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Did you just assume my gender?

Something the wannabe lgbt kids won't stop saying or used by jokers. A popular saying that is making the lgbt community seem like a joke all because of wannabe lgbt youth.

1. Hey dude
1. Bruhhh, this has to STOP

by Jake The Doggo October 24, 2016

203👍 60👎

bitch did you just assume my gender

Did you just assume my gender but with a twist.

"what's up bro."
"Bitch did you just assume my gender!?"
"Just stop.."

by BakaDog February 17, 2017

9👍 4👎


An assumation is when you accuse someone of something, w/o knowing if its a fact

stop making assumations about him, you've never talked to him before

by Davide____0 November 3, 2022


Assumation means when someone says something about something and they don’t know if it’s true or false. Aka when someone assumes something

You’re always making assumations about her, you don’t even know her.

by atomie November 3, 2022

Assuming I’m not in London I’m there!

A term coined by Gary J Redmond meaning I will certainly not be there but will let you know that an hour before.

Would you like to go for pints on Thursday? We did Thursday to suit you.
Oh sweet, Assuming I’m not in London I’m there!

by CP/AC November 23, 2023


A person who assumes

Oh you're gonna assume now you assumer?

by RetardedRuby April 24, 2022


Assholes consuming rumors

I don’t like Assumers, they never want info directly from the source.

by GJeezz May 25, 2022