The day is June 16th, beat them up.
Person 1: Hey Griffin it’s June 16, you know what that means.
Person 2: No, what does it mean?
Person 1: It means that it’s Beat up your blonde friend that’s name begins with the letter “G” day. *Beats Griffin up*.
When will my life begin is a song from Tangled that describes how we feel right now. (Rapunzel sings a song about how she is waiting for her life to begin while stuck in a tower) Ironically the kingdom in the movie is called Corona!
"When will my life begin!? The coronavirus is keeping me in my house and I am bored!"
Abby Begines is a very kind person. She is a mamma's girl and who always wants her way. She is stubborn and loves pets. Abby is a nerd in all but math and science. Her favorite subject is Geography. She is sassy and ready for the world.
"That Abby Begines is so fab!"
when something is really hecka cool and you gotta respect ✊
yo lil pumps the man
yeah park begin lil pump
grammatical errors
-doesn’t put apostrophes, if they do, they will use ‘’
-does not censor profane words
-an every consonant, the same thing goes to a and vowels
-uses “a” when that word is a plural noun
any people who capitalizes letters every word beginning
The Best NES game ever. A boy named Ninten and his friends go out to save the world from aliens and beat up the fathead Giegue (but the little fatty runs away 'cuz he doesn't like music).
EarthBound Beginnings is the best.
Guy 1: "Hey, are there any games like EarthBound?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, try EarthBound Beginnings."
not be likely or have any chance of doing a certain action.
circuitry that Karen could not begin to understand.