n. the last person you would want to take a road trip with. they insist upon reading every word their eyes happen to see. usually followed by a crappy joke that noone wants to hear.
Jeff: mcdonalds, hot and juicy all day.
ooh thats what she said! hehe
Me: fuck up Jeff, youre such a billboard kid.
BTS is the first Korean aritist won no.1 Billboard
Someone who wears blatantly branded clothes as a status symbol. For example, a shirt that says "GUCCI"
Moron: You know, only losers buy their kid's clothes at Walmart. You should start buying them Nike and Gucci like me.
Normal person: ok billboard
a large board on the side of a road used to advertise products or services on; signs are usually glued on in pieces
Large distraction along busy highways usually displaying things I love and conservation bible toting Christians hate (i.e. cleavage, booze, cigarettes and tight asses)
Officier, I wouldn't have rear ended that car if I wasn't staring at those hugh tits on the Trump Marina Billboard.
A big ass sign, usually an advertisement on the side of the road while driving
Damn look at that billboard, it even changes colors.
A large rectangular sign on the side of the road, often with a creepy picture of someone's face or giant words screaming in bold colours that you should definitely buy a certain product or visit a certain place.