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buttery snowman

The act of urinating on a female in the snow while she's wearing all white clothing

Dude I just buttery snowman'd Christine.
Man I'm never gonna be able to look at her the same way

by Rick the dick November 21, 2013

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Buttery Popcorn

It is a term that refers to a handjob given in a theatre. Specifically a movie theatre.

For Example: Mark, did u get buttery popcorn in the movies last night?

by Sm33t May 31, 2007

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

buttery slip

When you've shit yourself but only a little - the poo isn't solid or liquid and it has a buttery texture.

Person 1: Hey mate, are you okay?
Person 2: No mate, I've just had a buttery slip.

by unclebensrice123 February 7, 2017

Buttery Crease

What happens when you can't seem to wipe enough, especially after a long night of drinking.
Symptoms include:
Burning and itching
Consistent need to go to the restroom and wipe
Brown skid in your underwear
Feeling like someone intentionally put grease between your butt cheeks

Patient: "I can't seem to shake this feeling doctor. I keep going to the bathroom and trying to clean myself but it doesn't seem to work. A few minutes later, I am standing there again and it comes right back."

Doctor: "You are suffering from a buttery crease."

Or with your friends:
1st guy: "Dude, why are you in the bathroom all the time?"
2nd guy: "I've got a buttery crease."

by rocket chic January 19, 2013

buttery clam

When you buy pizza from Papa John’s and dump the garlic butter sauce on your girls clam for dessert.

β€œI have to wash my sheets after eating her buttery clam”

by Timmt09 February 10, 2021

buttery flapjacks

Clapping of ass cheeks on face after the partner cums on the others face

Yo I ate some buttery flapjacks with my girl yesterday.

by ilerminerty May 21, 2015

Double Buttery

When 2 guys stick their dicks in a woman's ears (1 in each) and then cum so it spurts back and covers their respective cocks. After this the men spread their cum covered cocks on the girl's tits like spreading butter on a buttery (this is most commonly used in Scotland)

Dave - "you see that bird over there by the bar?"
Jackson - "yeah, what about her?"
Dave - "Let's give her a double buttery"
Jackson - "sounds good"

by Ali T Swag March 24, 2017