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A state that gets a lot of anger from everyone.

No, it's not entirely full of liberals. And not all of us are proud about our governor.

The smog is horrible, driving through LA takes two hours, Hollywood is full of homeless people, the beaches are freezing, and no, not everyone is like the OC.

Those of us who live in Southern California in the suburban areas are privledged, leaving a lot of people very ignorant about the rest of the world. A lot of pathetic child actors, such as in La Canada, home to Hannah Montana, those kids from Everyone Loves Raymond, and The Sixth Sense kid.

There is a lot of immigration, making it a very diverse place to live. And there are homosexuals, too. Big suprise. In fact, CA is incredibly diverse, which leads, in some cases, to less intolerance.

We also have TONS of forest fires, due to the lack of rain. In So Cal, there is rarely rain, and never snow. And the sky is brown over LA from smog.

The OC isn't life. We don't all party in Mexico with our friends and boyfriends. I did, but I was building a home for the poor.

California has a couple of things going for it, though.
We have In 'N Out. It's amazing.
We do have beaches, and mountains, deserts and forests. That's kind of cool.

Person 1: I want to go to California and make my way as an actress!
Person 2: I want to be like those hot kids in the OC!
Person 3: I want to swim all day, and meet movie stars!
CA Person: Yah. I can't breathe because of the ashes and smog.

by annoyedwithCA December 5, 2006

157๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž


California is a part of the United States on the west coast. Im not a conservative or a republican dumbass. I am a liberal but I still cant stand this fucking state, especially San Diego county. The place is full of primarily a whole bunch of douchebags who think that they are all the shit, but in reality are just sheep and fucking preps. The weather is too damn hot, and the beaches are too fucking cold, and tend to be filled with sewage. The governator is also a dumbfuck. The State is terrible for the most part, and is full of artificial, mindless, dumb fucks, and the worst part of it all is that everybody else thinks its the best place on the planet.

Goddamnit, California sucks, im almost glad my county is burning down, dont come here, and help me get outta here as soon as possible.

by Spenc3rr October 26, 2007

142๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mythical land depicted in movies, television shows, and other fictional works of the middle 20th century. Seems to have been located in upper Latin America. Was peopled by exuberant, attractive "white persons," a type thought once to have been widespread in the area.

California was consistently represented as prosperous, but this is strictly notional. Present-day inhabitants of the area have found it to be without economic resources.

Compare "Shangri-La."

He: California was so nice. Too bad it never really existed.
She: -- Are you sure?
He: ... Pretty sure.

by John Bonaccorsi February 12, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


California- On the West Coast. Home to the Los Angeles Lakers, the San Fransisco 49ers and the Sacramento Kings. "The land of fruits and nuts-literally." This quote, which my grandmother says all the time, refers to the large homosexual population of California.

I live in California

by Will May 13, 2004

114๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


California was one of the best place in America, if not the world, still is. Ever since Grey Davis was in, he had approved abundant of funding that were what lead us to here today. We got used to the huge amount of funding from the state, and hereafter we do not wish to lose them. With the enormous amount of debts that California is finally in, we still would not like to have some of the funding to be cut and taxes not to be raised.

Arnold Schwarzenegger cannot be judged for not doing anything. He had no choice but to cut funding to make up the small proportions of the debts that we owe. Most of the Californians do not wish to have the taxes increase and eliminate some of the funding; the people in the Sacramento will not be able to do anything.

California once again become proper and free of debt. Good luck to the troops in oversea. George W. Bush needs to start thinking of a way to help United States than sending our beloved troops out to save other lives. God blesses America and the World.

Steven: There is still hope for California.
Keith: I love California, the beaches, etc.
Arnold: We are in serious trouble...no raising taxes, no cutting funding. What the hell am I suppose to do?
Davis: Keep passing the bills!
G Bush: Next up on, Canada. Oh wait...shhh....

by Ahkihiro January 2, 2006

129๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


I live in California. I don't surf, I hate rap music, I went to LA once, and it sucked, Hollywood is overrated, the weather is NOT perfect, I only went to the beach once in my life and I hated it, YES, the governor sucks, no, not all the people are "hot" (thats total bullshit. People always say the people are ALL hot whenever they write a definition about their state.), the schools were good until Arnold(governor) went and took all the money; there are hicks here, there are PLENTY of stupid people, but an equal amount of intelligent people as well, I have lived here all my life, and have only felt two earthquakes, and California isn't going to sink into the ocean anytime soon. However, if you look past all this, California really isn't all that bad of a place to live. It just takes the most shit from other states.

Just a state with lots of people and a dumb governor.

by you want to know who wrote this that badly? July 6, 2005

215๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


it has been said that when you have been driven out of every where else just cause you are you ..that you find your self in California, and with the Pacific ocean to your back and beautiful California in front of you ...then you can take on the world..all of it..

California is my home..Colorado is not..

by DaynaS May 24, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž