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someone who constantly ruins your day

Man, Mike keeps being a camel. He's just like the ones at petting zoos who always spit on people

by Oddisy April 8, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Camelle. Good Friend and a flirty girl. She has crush on every damn guy, age doesn't matter

Camelle: Can you be my crush? or I can be your girlfriend. ulok

by Brokenheads September 11, 2019

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A female that gives oral pleasure to men and swallows there semen when they get an orgasm

Troymecca is a crowned camel the men love her

by Tanisha Arceneaux August 23, 2005

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My wife, I love you <3

Camel, will you marry me?

by Andrew February 22, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A racial slur against middle-eastern people.
A camel:
Drives escalades with cheap and sometimes plastic spinners.
Listens to rap with unbeleivably loud bass sytems.
Will not fight you, but threatens to get one of the 600 cousins they have that is 'straight out the joint' whichi is usually a lie, but if it isn't they were in jail for selling drugs.
Slicks back their hair and dresses simlilar to a cholo.
Runs party stores and gas stations.
Spends all their money on a car that they will eventually crash because they assume you will get out of their way and that laws don't apply to them.
Thinks they are better than you no matter how scummy and poor they might be.
Try desperately to freestyle rap.
Refers to himself as "chaldean" to avoid being called Iraqi, Arab, or Middle-Eastern, which is what they really are.
Pretends to be in gangs even though they live in suburbs, and are especially concentrated outside of Detroit to the point where they are the majority.
Is hated by everyone who isn't a camel.

This may come off as racist, but living in a Detroit suburb and dealing with them constantly has given me, along with every other non-'chaldean' person I know, a severe hatred for them.

guy 1:That damn camel won't turn off his fucking sound system. I oughtta go next door and choke him to death with his gold chain.
guy 2:No, don't do it, he has cousins who went to jail.
guy 1:Bullshit, they didn't go to jail. And anyways, they're camels too, they'll just threaten me with their other cousins.

by Ryan Francis November 13, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


An individual that can copulate for a prolonged period of time tirelessly.

"How long has he been in there with her, that banging sound is getting annoying?"
"About, 3 hours... that boy is playin like a camel!"

by The Camel April 4, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Camelling Originated in early sixties on the coast of NSW
It is the act of humping old ladies preferably residing in nursing homes and scoring the results

The older the better a point for every year over 70
double bonuses if on medication or have artificial limbs
Triple bonus points if in a coma

Camelling a new sports rage he managed a huge score on reaming mavis who was on life support and had two wooden legs

by Beata score of 88 July 6, 2009

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