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Pussy lips that appear from a womans vagina when wearing clothes that are much too tight!!!

Go kick that fat bitch in the cameltoe! She"ll dispense a meth shard for you, just like a pez candy.

by Matthias Cameron August 16, 2020


A Tommy grows a 15-inch dick while a lifetime

Tommys got a cameltoe

by Fuckboy124 November 28, 2020


When a female has a puffy set of lips around her pussy, either natural or from pussy pump, and she wears tight/yoga pants, her cameltoeness, the beautiful site that it is, just sits there, waiting to either get sucked, fucked, fingered, shocked, licked, etc.... cameltoeness means when she stands up, her pussy so thick and plump, u can't see daylight between her legs.

Amy was pumping her pussy till it was nice and plump to go with her thick thighs, her cameltoeness was ripe for the licking. From her cameltoeness to her whispering eye. Just needs to find someone who can look at what she has rather then porn, with or without her there. Cameltoeness is a sensitive thing, touch it and she will melt for u. Jus saying.

by Noresun2noAmy2 January 18, 2024

Prosthetic cameltoe

This is a prosthetic that is slipped into the girl's underwear for those girls who are jealous and can't Sport a camel toe. This can be made simply with products around the house. Cut out the bottom of a 2 ltr soda container, Cut out 2 of the indents and Is sand around edges. You can use A 20 oz soda bottle for a birdtoe Or the 3 leader showed a bottle for a moose knuckle.

Prosthetic cameltoe

A artificial Or plastic accentuator For the female anatomy. Now Tina Toe's not the hottest thing of the party I went and got my prosthetic camel toe and I Can be the talk of the party.

by balzdp976 October 5, 2023

Cameltoe Tea

When you steep a used tampon in hot water.

Dude… she’s drinking cameltoe tea

by Fundell Miballs October 5, 2023

Cameltoe combover

When the 🐣 🐣 pants so tight; you can see which way it was licked last night

Dang bro, she's got that Cameltoe combover going on

by Chef T-bone April 6, 2019

cameltoe sunset

a beautiful woman in front of the setting sun with her legs spread ever so slightly.

Dude!!!! Check out the Cameltoe sunset!!

by RSA12357 September 14, 2016