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Conspiracy theory

A conspiracy theory is an alternative explanation of an event or situation that differs from the narrative of mainstream media, history books or others means.

Most conspiracy theories revolve around controversial topics like 9/11, vaccines, frauds, aliens.
Some conspiracies are batshit crazy and have little to no evidence. Others are just crazy and controversial to some but have very validity and evidence to be recognized as true. There are examples of conspiracies that have been proven as true but were seen as impossible or improbable in the past.
The word is often used from as an ad hominem to the theory and it's arguments and to try to discredit the person expressing it.

I can't trust the politicians and the media. I mean, they have a track record of lies and bullshit. This is nothing but a 24/7 news & propaganda cycle to enslave your mind while making you believe that you're free. This is my conspiracy theory about all of these TV programs and channels.

by mollyxanlean December 14, 2020

37πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

conspiracy denier

1. Those who ridicule others calling them "conspiracy theorists" just because they disagree with popular opinion, the news media, or the so-called "majority".

2. People who are willing to allow the truth to be swept under the rug when they find it convenient for their own agendas or the agendas of their political party.

3. Those who simply β€œcancel” those with whom they disagree, especially if evidence is presented that they find detrimental to their personal agendas. Conspiracy deniers have accomplished this recently by implementing one-sided and politically biased β€œfact checks” to discredit those with whom they disagree. They tend to marginalize the evidence presented by others as β€œinsignificant” based on their own political or emotional biases.

Conspiracy deniers typically trust so-called experts, scientists, or doctors who are bankrolled by those who seek to push a specific agenda while ignoring other experts, scientists, and doctors who present contrary findings and opinions.

Conspiracy deniers are often similar to co-conspirators in that they buy into agendas that are either scientifically or mathematically unlikely to produce favorable results and then oppose or persecute those who seek to expose the flaws in such agendas.

Conspiracy deniers love to believe everything they hear on the mainstream news and then criticize those who dare to disagree with them. They wouldn't know a real conspiracy if it bit them in the butt.

by nobodytoldme November 29, 2022

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Avocado Conspiracy

The conspiracy theory that the reason the Avocado has such a large seed that i cannot reproduce by itself naturally is because it was introduced to earth by an advanced alien civilization. The only way for it to continue to exist is for some spieces to evolve to the point that it could farm and care for the avocado while also slowly taking over and domesticating the host species. This is also the reason everyone freaks out when someone says "i don't like avocados" as this is a direct threat to the future overlords.

Waitress: Would you like to try todays special on avocado toast and salad?

Person 1: No thank you, I don't really like avocados.

The entire restaurant stands up and points in unison.


by justanotherbluepill February 8, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Conspiracy theory

A generally unsubstantiated claim - generally based on what is called an argument from ignorance, linking completely unrelated things, etc - that is usually considered to be against the well-being of the demographic of the conspiracy theorist. Almost always pushed by scientifically illiterate people, religious fundamentalists, the uneducated or misinformed, and - always - the paranoid.

"The government did 9/11! Jews control all of the banks as part of the Illuminati! NWO NWO NWO CHEMTRAILS!"

"You're a moron with this conspiracy theory nonsense. The 'Illuminati,' and 'NWO,' for that matter, have been conspiracy theories for well over a century. People were just as alarmist then as you nuts are now. And we're in some totalitarian unfree state now where you.. oh, have the freedom to express these nutjob hypotheses of yours?"

by adym smew April 10, 2010

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Conspiracy Theorist

Someone who hasn't yet grown out of being an attention seeking psychobabbler. A very mediocre kind of troll.

Conspiracy theorist: "Reptilians control the world's most prominent bloodlines!"

Unfortunate listener: "Zzzz..."

Conspiracy theorist: "You are blind to THEIR lies, person who won't hang on every word I blather! I pour scorn upon you!"

Unfortunate listener: "Yeah, whatever."

by The_Mad_Thinker December 7, 2008

375πŸ‘ 309πŸ‘Ž

Conspiracy Theorist

Paranoid, angry, or attention seeking wannabe college dropouts who think that by looking at shoddy footage of controversial events and mincing the words of eye witnesses they can piece together their own, delusional version of "The truth" about what REALLY happened that day.

Tin foil hats may or may not be worn.

Everybody should listen to Conspiracy Theorists, they know "The truth" because they haven't been bought out by 'The Man' like those silly scientists. What do they know, what with their PhDs? And their testing? And their research? They obviously don't know shit about what REALLY happened. Just look at this video of the event, see that plane? IT'S A MISSILE.

by CommandoDude August 4, 2010

298πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž

Conspiracy Nutjob

A "conspiracy theorist" who will believe anything without a second thought, even if it is not based in reality whatsoever.

Will especially believe in any fake conspiracies if you attach some sort of "demonic" or "Satanic" correlation to the "theory", since most of these nutjobs tend to be from/of some sort of christian faith.

They are the worst kind of sheep; since they think they are not sheep, while still being sheep.



Conspiracy Nutjob #1: "ONOS!"

by TheRainbowSerpent June 14, 2013

28πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž