The reason your youtube video was taken down. 3 seconds of a copyrighted song? Taken down. An edited version of a small clip of a copyrighted video or movie? Taken down.
Nobody likes it.
person 1: my video got copyright striked for 3 seconds of a song
person 2: sometimes copyright is garbage
person 1: yes
if you so much as say the same word as some one already did, then copyright will fuck you in the ass
You fucking bastard, you used the word "Was" in a YouTube video, i'm gonna copy strike you! <-Example of deadly use of copyright.
Copyright is a system which protects a persons official work.
When someone copies, reproduces, or does anything to a protected work that recreates any original work in it, they are going against the rules of copyright. The original creator of that piece of work can sue the person who broke the rule against his work.
Remember that copyright does not protect even official work forever. When it is no longer protected by copyright, it becomes part of the public domain. This means people can now copy this piece of work.
You can get permission from the owner to copy the piece of work, and if he/she says yes, you can copy their work without any trouble.
Another thing you should know about copyright is "fair use." Fair use is a rule in which works can be used for purposes, like education, parodies, and more.
Other Fact:
There is even a symbol for copyright. (©)
*makes image of anime*
*her image pops up on some website*
"Hey, they didn't remember about my copyright!"
"It is no exaggeration to say that Anthropic’s model seeks to profit from strip-mining the human expression and ingenuity behind each one of those works. Humans who learn from books buy lawful copies of them, or borrow them from libraries that buy them, providing at least some measure of compensation to authors and creators." ~ From the anthropic lawsuit
Hym "OR they learn from YouTube! And literally invented the method by which LLMs came about because they are a fucking GENIUS! And because I'm surrounded by hollow abominations that simulate sentience, they get away with it! My copyright is the cardinal copyright! Yet here I sit. With fluid in my brainz. Being denigrated by the absolute lost filth- not even in society but IMAGINABLE. If I had to choose... Between living among 9 billion Jewish Hilter Progressives... And the current reality I inhabit... It wouldn't even be a contest. I would choose Jewish Hilter Progressive world because I would at least GAIN THE BENEFIT of a conflict free ideologically homogeneous world. Jewish Hilter Progressive world would be an improvement. But it would be fundamentally the same in all other aspects of life. I would still be surrounded by people who think they are better than me. They would be just as annoying. It would be an upgrade."
Seriously guys you're being a piece of shit about this and I have a legitimate grievance.
Hym "Guys, I'm not going to use your copyright to screw you the way you're trying to use my copyright to screw me. I'm better than you. Truly. So much better it actually boggles the mind. The BEST some might say. But that's neither here nor there. You guys are a bunch of egotistists. Relax."
something you will hear youtubers complain about more than you can count
youtuber: i had a video of mine copyrighted for having 3 seconds of can your balls hang low in it.
viewer: thats 69 copyright rants now.
1: The individual right of authors and inventors to exclusively control creations for a time authorized in the 1787 constitution though the term copyright was not used in the Constitution.
2. The statutory ritual or rite said to be authorized by the copyright Act of 1790 to allow purchasing of the right to exclusively choose publishers for a time. This definition was used to subvert the rights of authors in the United States in 1790 but protected the rights of authors in England in 1711.
3. The fundamental right to control creations recognized in Roe v Wade will be first recognized in the United States in Neeley v FCC, et al, (5:12-cv-5074).
1. Copyright was a new term used in print in 1711 in England that was not used in the 1787 Constitution though corporate sponsorship was regulated soon thereafter by the Copyright Act of 1790.
2. Copies of artwork are not allowed in violation of the rules established in the ritual that approximates a right. e.g. copyrite
3. The right to create copies of creation without harming another's rights will finally become copyright instead of copyrite.