Source Code

Doodle cramp

A penile erection. A boner.

Christina Hendricks gives me a throbbing doodle cramp.

by Billy Bob Greenburg December 18, 2013

Facial Cramps

When your jaw and/or cheeks become sore or cramped. A common side effect of smiling way too much or performing prolonged cunninglus.

Last night I went down on my girlfriend for two hours and today I couldn't chew my breakfast. Worst facial cramps ever, feels like I was in the ring with Mike Tyson.

by SpiceRubbaDubba February 6, 2011

Ket Cramps

Ket cramps (or K cramps) is the name of the abdominal pain suffered by users of ketamine who take 1g + per day for a prolonged period of time

"Oh man, I've got the ket cramps bad."

"Stop taking ket everyday then you filthy scumbag."

by H.S. Willsy August 24, 2011

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Ball Cramps

To have a cramp begin in either your legs or stomach, eventually the pain spreads to your balls. it feels like being hit in the balls with a sledgehammer.

dammit, dude, i had a leg cramp and it started to spread, and now i have ball cramps!

*passes out from pain*

by PunkRockerJack June 9, 2009

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dick cramp

An annoying person that insults people for no reason

John: you're stupid

Bob: shut up you're being a dick cramp

by Potato rapist March 2, 2014

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Period cramps

Mother nature being a bitch.
Pain mother nature I flicts on females for fun.

These period cramps are killing me!

by Eatingahotpocketrn June 9, 2018

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the cramp twins

Cartoon about brothers 2 twins Wayne and Lucien. Wayne is a total sugar junkie who will probably be a criminal when he grows up and Lucien is the downtroden bespecticaled one who loves nature and saving the environment.

The Cramp Twins is the best cartoon on Cartoon Network

by Dani.B May 14, 2005

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