A trend that is old, such as trends bottle flipping, iPhone 1, fidget spinners, Let it Go-Frozen, Barbies, Barney, Elmo, Polly Pockets, We Will Rock You-Queen. It means no one is interested in the trend anymore and they say "That is cringy!
"Those fidget spinners are so cringy"
Some unloved 13 year old virgin that uses discord. He cries about not having a gf literally every night for no apparent reason.
"Bro you're so cringy."
"Wait the person?"
"Yes dipshit, you act like him."
When something just makes you stop and go "oh god".
If somebody you know says something cringy around you, you'll be embarrassed for them.
When it's just socially unacceptable.
A cringy comment just makes you feel awkward.
Everybody is talking about what they got last year for their bday and your friend blurts out "I got a lot of money, like a LOT of money." Somebody else, "Who cares?" Them, " It would make you look poor because I have a lot of money."
2 days later- "Oh god that was cringy"
Something annoying or a comedy that is really annoying it’s uncomforting you
Like “epic”now is a cringy meme becourse of people use it to much
person2:that’s kinda cringy dude,we only used when we win or lose a game
Every Education Connection Commercial
You feel Cringy watching EC commercials.
Someone who makes you question life
Maddie is the living definition of cringy.
Something that embarrasses you so much it hurts your soul and makes you wan't to no longer be apart of the human race, especially if its something you did.
"Why did I post that meme?"
"Why did I say that?"
"I wish I was not so cringy all the time."