Source Code

Darren Criss


Darren Criss is amazing

by Darren Criss simp January 22, 2021

Criss Off

Cutting someone’s head off. Behead a corpse with a shovel for educational reasons.

In a morgue in an unknown place in Asturias.

Dad, I need a head for my physiotherapy classes. Would you mind to criss off this one with the weird beard?

by gmsp4 March 12, 2019

Criss Moment

Send an unfunny meme to the chat and expect people to laugh

E.g "haha what a criss moment, that meme was so unfunny"- *Criss Dies inside *

by JimmyJahmas December 3, 2021

Criss Moment

Say something or send something unfunny to a group chat, and no one laughs

E.g "look at this meme, *no one laughs* What a criss Moment

*Criss dies inside*

by JimmyJahmas December 3, 2021

criss angel

A fucking faggot who has the shittest illusions and makes people think he does all of this shit. Uses film editing so he portray levitating, teleporting, and such other things. No he didnt walk up the wall you dumbass. its called turning the camera sideways so you can portray walking up a wall idiot. Another thing, he didnt get runover either jackass. He jumped on the car before it rammed him into the brick walls. Watch the video and see it for yourself. Doesnt hurt that bad to have a few bricks hit you. The only thing he has ever mindfreaked is you idiots beleiving his shit is real you fucking morons.

Criss Angel=Phony
Criss Angel=Faggot
Criss Angel=Fake lispe
Criss Angel=Idiot
Criss Angel=Queer
Criss Angel=Magic fag
Criss Angel=Emo
Criss Angel=Quief

by Criss Angel July 6, 2006

251πŸ‘ 506πŸ‘Ž

criss angel

A once good magician who now drinks too much and offers drunk women money to flash him.

I'm Criss Angel. Show me your tits.

by Yomima April 28, 2007

99πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž


A kid that might be gay, he is often crying because he's to scared to ask girls out that may like him back.

Guy 1: ask her out
Guy 2: no
Guy 1: stop being a Criss

by Stoker32 October 5, 2014

1πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž