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DTM, is the abbreviation after someone who has earned the highest award for leadership and communication in Toastmasters International. On average it takes 10 years to earn a DTM award. DTM stands for Distinguished Toastmaster.

She gave over 42 speeches, chartered a club, completed her leadership projects, and served as a district officer, so now she has the highest award, DTM.

by TiastmasterChick November 7, 2017


A person who says less and observes more usually quiet but speaks when necessary

He dtm (don’t talk much)

by Mr dtm July 4, 2023


Don't talk much

She's a nice girl but we dtm

by Cat3309a June 28, 2018


Short for "Do the Math."

DTM is when you play Sherlock Holmes with your brain after a wild night out. It's all about crunching the numbers and figuring out how many freaking beers you chugged down the night before. It involves mentally retracing the steps of the evening, meticulously calculating the number of beers consumed, and, oftentimes, experiencing a moment of self-realization or mild regret. DTMing is commonly practiced as a means to evaluate one's alcohol intake, gauge the level of intoxication reached, and to potentially understand the subsequent effects on both memory and physical well-being.

DTM-ing is like being your own boozy detective. Grab a pen, a notepad, and let's solve the mystery of the lost beer count!

by RoflcopteringPotench July 3, 2023


Don’t try me

Mom: Dtm lil boy

by Bubblecuteness September 3, 2018


Don’t talk much

Ferdinand: hello kiddo do you want to come to my house to play

Helga: Oi jippo he dtm but I’m sure he’d like to be minced

by CheeseKneese July 7, 2019


Don't touch my stuff.

Yeah, Yeah,, I get it, we're newlyweds now, but DTMS!

by 66tornadoes December 11, 2016