When your best pal blanks you for days on end without as much as a text, phone call or visit.
Fuck me Mike, he has Dark Knighted us once again! I’m not sure how much more of this shit I can take. I mean I’d like to say he has good reason but I know for a fact he is just fucking pussy
The blackest guy you ever saw.
My neighbor is the DARK KNIGHT
1) A person who protects and justifies the actions, behaviour, or opinions of dark-coloured individuals, regardless of whether they are controversial, racist, or illegal. It is similar to a White Knight but related to dark-skinned persons instead of females.
2) A movie title about and the nickname of Batman.
A) My black friend punched me, so I punched him back. A dark knight rushed to his aid and threatened to beat me.
B) When persons of white skin colour make controversial but factual statements concerning persons of dark skin colour, they must prepare themselves for dark knights.
C) The police had no choice but to shoot and kill a black criminal, but many are dark knighting how it is due to the police being racist.
Someone who sits in the restroom long enough that the automatic lights turn off on them.
I just ran into the Dark Knight in the restroom.
Tyrone drop out of college and became a cop.
So he's a dark knight now?
If someone offers you one at the bar, DO NOT TAKE IT.
Hey can I buy you a dark knight shot?