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Someone who claims to be open minded but really just follows the crowd and does not know about the real issues.
If they are white they only voted for Obama because they thought it would make them feel better. They are now realizing it didn't.

Person 1: All my friends are Democrats so I thought it would be fun! Are you a Democrat too?

Person 2: No I'm a Libertarian.

Person 1: What's Libertarian?

Person 2: It's a 3rd party.

Person 1: What's a 3rd party?

Person 2: Exactly.

by LibbyChick January 7, 2010

852๐Ÿ‘ 1254๐Ÿ‘Ž


A non biased definition of Democrat

The Democratic Party from their beginnings they have been trying to create an all powerful government controlled by elitists. During the late 1960" after losing the civil rights war to Republican's (Democrats fought against civil rights) the Democrat party and their cronies in media and colleges started an all out campaign to revise their own history and thus two decades later the "Great Switch" lie was born into the American mind. Any student of history and even those using commonsense know the great switch is a lie but it is so pushed by democrat controlled teachers (democrat controlled teachers unions require it be taught) and by democrat controlled Hollywood.

From the late 1960's to today the Democrat party heavily uses propaganda, bribes, corruption and other foul means to push through their agendas. Their agenda is still big government, elitist control, and uncontrolled spending. In the past decades they have cultivated a very close relationship with both China and Russia taking billions in exchange for pushing identity politics, CRT, and other nonsense ideologies to help weaken and divide the country while also ignoring and even obfuscating crimes against humanity in both China and Russia.

Best known for being the party that fought for slavery.
Created Jim Crow Laws and the KKK.
Fought women's & minorities right to vote.
Genocide the Native American populace (See Trail of Tears).

Democrats always make empty promises and pad their own pockets

by FactsMatter July 11, 2021

248๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


Synonym for feces. Born when defecated. It always smells and comes in all shapes. Usually becomes sentient. When used as an insult, it usually means that the person has a major lack in brain power.

Other meaning: Retard

Taken from YouTube-โ€œNadler gave birth to another Democrat on live TV!โ€

by Not_Rook45 December 12, 2020

235๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


Democrat - the only party that has got us in a surplus (Bill Clinton, and Andrew Jackson).
Democrats are not hippies god damnit!

Some one who believes in helping the poor and balancing the social class is a Democrat. Also helps small businesses. Government not ruled by religion.
For those who don't know what a surplus is, it when the country is making more money than it is losing.

by Cookies, the other batch April 6, 2006

255๐Ÿ‘ 591๐Ÿ‘Ž


fucking dumbass that believes it is normal to have taxes raised, believes in corruption, has a mental disorder, thinks all republicans are racist and homophobic but doesn't have any proof to back it up, claims Trump is racist and homophobic while at least 30% of the black community voted for him and he is the first president to have openly gay closet members, i can name a lot more things but just don't have time.

Guy 1: look its a democrat
Guy 2: i think you mean "look its a fucking retard"

by RED FERRET May 12, 2021

232๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A political party for people whose ideas are spoonfed to them by The Washington Post and CNN rather than Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

2. One of two political parties in The United States of America whose leaders strive for control and power over all citizens. See Republican for the other political party whose leaders strive for control and power over all citizens.

3. One of two political parties (see Republican) in The United States of America whose members believe that their collective ideas are 100% correct and all citizens who do not agree are complete, uneducated morons. Conversely, Republicans believe to be 100% correct and that non-believers are unpatriotic satanists. Both parties' members ironically view themselves as compassionate, free-thinking and mainstream.

4. Liberal (derogatory)

5. Hippie (derogatory)

1. As a democrat, I have to see what CNN says about Iraq so I know what my steadfast convictions are.

2. Vote democratic so we citizens will have fewer laws and more freedoms.

3. As a free-thinker and a democrat, I say you are an idiot because you don't agree with me. And I know I'm right because I got my beliefs from CNN and you got yours from Fox!

4. Get away from me you liberal!

5. Get a job you long-haired hippie!

by Geo. Washington May 17, 2005

743๐Ÿ‘ 1466๐Ÿ‘Ž


Politician who claims to be left wing but is actually a great value brand fascist that pretends to care about black and LGBT people.

"Democrat Nancy Pelosi pushed a bill today that would make having at least one black and gay cop per precinct mandatory. The bill also included an expansion of the patriot act, qualified immunity for law enforcement, and funding to bomb every Palestinian home. Other democrat party representatives claimed that this was 'a historic step for minorities everywhere.' Republicans agreed unanimously to pass the bill if a clause to include at least 5 Klan members in each precinct was added to the bill"

by HVMANTRXSH January 26, 2021

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