Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, or also known as Digimon: Last Evolution, is a 2020 anime movie about the original Digi-Destined kids growing up.
Although it is a nice homage (because of some references) to the original series like Digimon Adventure and Digimon 02, it has a sad ending because *crys* their Digimon vanishes! *Swipes tears* Sorry...Is just sad because is their last adventure...That movie broke me...
Guy: Oh man! As an conclusion to the original series, this should be great!
*Once at the ending*
Guy: *crys* This ending broke me! Is just so sad! No one died, but their Digi-partners vanished! I still loved Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna though...But still!
Piece of shit pokemon knock off. The mechanics of the games are fucking mind boggling. Story and plot? Fuck no. Type matchups that make sense? Of course not go fuck yourself. Actual creative ambition and a will to make something new and cool? OF COURSE FUCKING NOT.
Digimon is a piece of shit
(short for digital monster) a musician who is very well known among the general public that their songs always chart really high even without any promotions.
BTS, BTOB, IU, and Lim Young Woong are among the digimons in K-pop
An incredibly high class anime television series. This show is the eighth series of Digimon, and is a reboot of the original series, which premiered in 1999. It has shown a lot of promise so far, along with multiple elements that have received criticism from fans. For example- the appearance of Digimon of high evolution stages in some of the first episodes, such as Omnimon's early entrance to the series. There have also been numerous back to back episodes that were mainly fight scenes, which some fans disliked.
Due to the fact that it is a reboot of the 1999 series, the original digidestined are the current main characters! This series is not exactly a remake of the original, however. Some elements have been changed- whether this was for the better or not is up to each viewer's interpretation.
Overall, the series has been a fun watch. Consider checking it out. :)
Then watch every other season of Digimon.
I told all of my friends to watch Digimon Adventure 2020, and after enough begging, they finally gave in!
slang for wanting to kill and mutilate anyone and everyone in the general vicinity of the speaker
if someone ever says this to you, run.
"Hop on digimon masters online.."