The inability to handle (either type of) water when encountering something exciting. Keep it up and you're likely to have your water reclaimed by the tribe.
Early 80's David Lee Roth gives me poor water discipline.
I've been doing this for 8 years.
Hym "I am the single most disciplined person in the history of humanity. My self-discipline is literally unparalleled."
Nah bitch you don't expect that shit from women
Hym "Nah, you get the fuck right out of here with that. You don't expect sexual discipline from women."
Children who always end up either, brats or complete demons. I am speaking from experience. Always discipline your children or they will end up little devils, and probably end up being your school bully.
"Those little demons over there must be Non-Disciplined Children."
When a woman is having irregularly frequent periods.
I've bled 5 times in the last 2 months.
You've got no uterine discipline