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double tap

Double tap is a mechanic in Rocket league, it is used by many people
mostly golds try doing it and fail because they're complete trash

"Yo, i hit a double tap in rocket league!"

by probablydr1ft November 16, 2022

Tucson Double-Tap

Penitentiary term. When returning from commissary on a hot Summer’s day, you get tired of waiting on the Officer to let you back in the unit, so you pull down your bromo’s pants, grab that sweet meat, and give it the ole’ Tucson Hand-Shake until the Control Room Officer sees you on camera and calls a code.

Inmate 1: Man how long you been waiting?
Inmate 2: Damn near 30 minutes!
Inmate 1: Fuck that, it’s time for a Tucson Double-Tap!

by Gaysofthunder69 March 7, 2020

Musty Crusty Double Tap

An “Eiffel Tower” performed by the homeless

“Damn did you see olhobo chase in the middle of that musty crusty double tap?!”

by stripeddinosaur October 7, 2021