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Electile Dysfunction

When you cannot get turned on by a presidential candidate

Doctor, I think i'm suffering from Electile Dysfunction
Because when I look at this years candidates, none of them turn me on.

by Ret;-;rd April 8, 2017

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Erectile Dysfunction

When ur dick don't work

bruh he got erectile dysfunction lol

by elonmuskishot April 27, 2020

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Textile Dysfunction

When your cell phone's anticipatory word feature chooses random and often inappropriate substitutions for an otherwise innocuous text message.

I tried texting my crush about the party but my textile dysfunction asked him about his poopy instead :(

by We Believe in Fridays July 30, 2009

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electile dysfunction

Failure of the general populace to vote in any given election.

Voter apathy regarding this election is certainly reflected by this year's electile dysfunction.

by memphotank November 2, 2010

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Projectile Dysfunction

When a man cant find the means to ejaculate during sex

I'm Vety and I suck balls (and have projectile dysfunction)

by Prince2011 October 14, 2011

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pizzarectile dysfunction

When you are about to bite a slice of pizza and the end droops on you as its about to enter your mouth.

This pizza has major pizzarectile dysfunction. I've yet been able to bite into it.

by Proclus_Plato January 3, 2012

Twirectile Dysfunction

The phenomenon of a much-anticipated first date with an attractive woman which is ruined by her insistence on watching a movie in the "Twilight" series. The movies are so homoerotic that they often lead to a sudden, temporary inability to become sexually aroused.

Matt: "So how was your date with Marissa last night?"

Joe: "It was going really, really well until we watched 'Twilight'. She tried to give me a beej after the movie, and there was nothing I could do. I was totally limp; I had Twirectile Dysfunction. I think it was all the glittering men."

by Cobrawannabe August 18, 2011