This is a reference to the game Nexus is an event gamemode in added on May 27th, 2023. It is the successor of the Dreadnoughts gamemode, but with many differences. This is currently the only event that stretches across multiple servers, regions, and even other gamemodes. However, Europe nexus server is a server mainly used for hanging out and e-sex (I'm not joking). Eu nexus can also be used as a verb, meaning to sex someone.
Person 1: Yo bro look at this, I cornered this poor machine gunner as a dreadnought.
Person 2: Eu nexus it.
To have sex with one person from every country currently or ever part of the European union.
I only have one country left on my EU sex tour.
a portuguese word to say "i will fuck your mother"
person 1: lol ur mom gay
person 2: eu vou foder sua mãe
nigga ur on the server dupa ce iti zic eu means if youre not getting on my terraria server youre dead bitch
Person 1: nigga ur on the server dupa ce iti zic eu
Person 2: ok fine bro im getting on rn
Person 1: yea i got your family in my basement
struggling to identify with geo-political entities such as countries (units with borders)
struggling to understand concepts of nationalism, ethnocentrism
"what does your passport say? where do you belong? what country are you loyal to?"
"I lov eu"
a black guy was once on a discord channel with his friends and they were thinking about a name for the black guy, they came up with blec_nicrer but he felt offended and changed his name in "nu imi place numele asta eu il s"
Hey man what are u doing?
nu imi place numele asta eu il s
always a hs, never gonna miss - because eu have the best fortnut players
someone just eu shot this kid lmao