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Generic name given to ecological technology or gadgets that cost an amount of money that you will never get back in terms of energy saved or produced.

"simply adding thicker insulation to this building will save a lot more money than the proposed eco-bling stuck to the outside."

by archiman October 31, 2009

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Women who love both connotations of Wood.

Vicky loves the woods whether outside or inside. This makes Vicky a bona-fide eco-slut.

by JohnFrenchroll December 9, 2009

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eco cunt

An environmentally safe cunt

Shaniqua is an eco cunt because she only fucks in the forrest

by atticusmark182 April 2, 2008

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eco porn

A corporate advertisement that extols the company's environmental record or policies - usually by a company known to rape and pillage the environment as often as possible.

Abe: Have you seen those new commecials by the oil companies that show how good they are for the environment?

Babe: They are pure eco porn, man.

by JRob October 4, 2005

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(n)A hot chick that you really want to hit on, the catch being that she is a total hippie and you must pretend to care when she talks about trees.

"Damn dude that is one hot chick... but i dont think its worth it she is a total Eco-ho"

by Bor Renier April 7, 2008

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eco bits

Small yet valuable items that are found on the island of Yap. Discoved by Tinstaafl the Great in the year 1664. Eco bits can be used for many things including currancy, flavoring, and world peace.

EX1: "I just shipped in some fine eco bits from Yap, You wanna buy some?"
EX2: "I sprinkled some eco bits into the food last night, it was mind blowing"

by A Real Free Lunch April 28, 2008

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A person, typically millenial or Gen X, who is pretentiously unpretentious and outdoorsy. Often found shopping at REI or a local outdoor gear shop with premium prices. Prefers to frequent fly fishing shops, slopes, breweries and mountain bike trails, often riding said bike to brewery in full attire. Loves to wear cotton tee shirts and light jackets from upscale outdoor retailers like Patagonia and North Face instead of buying the same thing at Target for $12.99. Often found roaming abundantly in places like Bozeman, MT and Jackson, WY at bike shops, rock climbing walls, or ironically sitting with a dog on a lawn or sidewalk. Bonus points for an upscale crossover SUV and a ball cap or trucker hat with expensive outdoor fashion brand name or brewery logo. Triple bonus points for yellow lab.

I went down to the brewery to fill my growler on Saturday afternoon and saw a lot of eco-bougies with their bikes on top of their Subarus. Lots of cute tap room dogs to pet though.

by KellyWyoMont May 18, 2020