Very Concerned Environment Activist. Hates when the Beach Sport Club holds the Fun Run. Likes to appear in GATs
You look like an Ernest C. Mint
Hillbilly type. Ernest T. Bass ‘It’s me, it’s me, it’s Ernest T.’ Andy Griffith Show
Ernest T. Bass is a hillbilly. As played by Howard Morris on the Andy Griffith Show.
An unabashed, violent sexual maneuver that requires incredible core strength in which an individual performs a plank exercise while maintaining an Irish accent screaming "wow this is so so so good. so into this? so so so good."
I can't that stand bitch JESSICA!!! I may as well kidnap her father and show him my best Dirty Ernest
Hops from woman to woman . It’s just in his blood
Ernest loves every girl he sets eyes on, he just can’t control himself
Ernest is the best person ever.
Think of perfection and ernest should pop in your head
A guy named Ernest has a 20 inch cock he’s the most hot person he gets all the girls and guys want him
Ernest is hot