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He is the most beautiful person ever. Like for real! He is so handsome,nice and loving. If you ever meet someone like him, do not let him go.
He is loyal like no other in this world!

He is such a good looking man!!! Everyone loves him in his person. Everyone wants to be his friend! Erwin is a 100% husband material. He is the man who should care about your kids. Everyone is in a good hand with him. Erwin is a quiet person and listens to you everytime. Sometimes he has like a colder quietness but that is totally normal, because he just lets his nearest friends know how his character acts. Believe me, Erwin is one of the cutest,sweetest,friendliest and perfect Person on this planet. WE ALL LOVE HIM. You should give him the attention of love he deserves.
Take care of this guy, he is rare!

Do you saw this beautiful guy there?

Yes omg, he is that perfect guy, who everyone want!! THATS ERWIN!!

by katoscm November 21, 2021


A guy who enjoys playing pickleball and listening to emo music.

That guy is such an Erwin

by Ninino99 December 8, 2023


Have 1 million banana's and also being a fucking legend.

Friend 1 : Omg, i farmed so hard, i finally have an Erwin
Friend 2 : OMG you have 1 million banana's?!??!
Friend 1 : Yeah 1 whole Erwin man!

by Friekohw March 21, 2021


He gives his best.

But he doesn‘t see how beautiful he actually is.

He tries to act unbothered, but you can feel his love. He tries to be distant, but you can still feel his present. When he compliments you, he really means it.

He is not a man of many words, but of consistency and knowledge.

He still is waiting for someone, who will truly listen and care for him.
I want to be that person, but I cant tell him, how much I love him.

I just wanna hold the moment before it‘s too late.

Please don‘t leave.

Person 1: I don‘t like his jokes.
Person 2: Those aren‘t jokes, he hides his true feelings within them. I understand Erwin.

by 0302 November 21, 2021


Karina's boyfriend

Is Erwin single?
No, he is Karina's boyfriend

by Matt633 November 22, 2021