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Existential Crisis Wednesday

Every wednesday, you have an existential crisis. or every other wednesday.

It's Existential Crisis Wednesday! Oh god...

by psoopie January 28, 2021


basivcally a guy that acts all philosophical and romatic to impress girls, writes really gay love letter to them as well

Youre eyes are like deep vernal pool during the vernal equinox

by Silas Dagwood March 3, 2005

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come in three parts:
1. Fabioesque- To be like fabio in anyway
2. Existentialist- To be of the philosophical school of thought that we are all resposible for our lives and ultimately our destenies
3. Romanticist- To be a hopless romantic

Basically fi you put these three together you get a fabioesque-existential-romanticist

Man that guy is such a fabioesque-existential-romanticist!

by Silas Dagwood March 1, 2005

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daily existential crisis

Waking up in the morning feeling cumulative depreciation

I set my alarm for daily existential crisis at 6 AM

by Frets & Such March 1, 2017

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Existential back pain

Back pain that is caused by simply existing.

For example, feeling pain in the upper or lower back region when there is no reason too. This is known as existential back pain

by Shamiah James September 29, 2022

the monkey no-monkey existential quagmire

1. an existential conundrum that involves both the strong desire to possess the monkey while simultaneously rejecting it.

2. an alternate state of consciousness in which one can both covet and despise the same object, idol, concept or place. may also apply to mommy, daddy, ABCs, elmo.

jack: "monkey."

jack: "NO MONKEY."

jack: "monkey."

daddy: "i believe we're stuck in the monkey no-monkey existential quagmire again."

by big poppa philosophical August 30, 2010

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void of existential anguish black

What all black crayons should be named.

Person 1: What's your favourite crayola colour?
Person 2: Void of existential anguish black.
Person 1: Oh. That's nice..

by Bulat butter April 5, 2017

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