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Verb Similar to ftw-ied

The root of this word is ftl, which is also for the loss, or for the lose.
Denounces oneself or another with failure.
Shows failure status or the ability to fail to do something properly.
This Verb can be used on oneself or another.

Wow, you suck. You self ftl-ied yourself. Go sit in a corner.

How can you suck that much and not ftl-ied yourself.

by Tri Nguyen April 4, 2008

5👍 2👎

FTL Drive

The FTL Drive or Faster Than Life Drive is an as of yet fictional means of travelling the long distances between stars in a short period of time. The FTL Drive also somehow beats the time dilation experienced travelling faster than relativistic speed.

The drive itself takes on many shapes and forms throughout the science fiction genre but all incarnations accomplish the same goal. For example, in the universe of Star Wars, the concept of Hyperspace exists, a way to cross the galaxy in mere days. There's Warp (a way to not cross space but compress and stretch it) mentioned in Star Trek, EVE online, and Babylon 5, and the Concept of Slipspream Space mentioned in Halo, Andromeda and even in Star Trek.

In some cases, ships in transit are not able to communicate or even see each other due to them being outside normal reality, however, when exiting, ships can just appear out of nowhere in either a scattered group or a fine-tuned formation depending how advanced the drive is.

The USS Ulysseus activated her FTL Drive. She speed off into the darkness with only a wink of light to mark her passage.

by Chris000 August 28, 2008

9👍 14👎


Verb The verb form of "For the Loss" or "For the Lose"

This verb is targeted either at oneself, or another.

Dang, I just got ftl-ied

Lol you shoobee you just got ftl-ied.

by Tri Nguyen April 4, 2008

1👍 3👎

The FTL Treatment

Verb. To give an object the FTL treatment would mean to blow it to shreds and steal the shreds to sell for money, or trade them for illicit goods. It doesn't have to be used literally. If something were to be dismantled severely and sold for parts of it's whole, that would also be the FTL treatment.

"Yeah man, they took the football team's jersey's and gave 'em the FTL treatment, now there are number piece inside of football cards."
"Enemy fighters ahead, I guess we'll hafta give them the good ol' FTL treatment!"

by Cam64viper November 28, 2020


Forgot to laugh

*someone makes a bad joke*
“Omg that’s so funny, I ftl

by Jackal13 October 5, 2023


FTL or FUCK THE LORD, not to be confused with WWJD (what would Jesus do).

What you say to Jesus freaks when they ask you to go to Jesus camp, youth group, pray with them, or go to some stupid ass church.


Elizebeth, you seem to have gone down the wrong path lately, my father suggested that you accompany us to church this Sunday.”

“FTL, hoe.”


“I just started dating this girl, Brittany, who teaches preschool at a Christian school, and she made me go to some weird church and listen to some new age pastor, who is friends with Biebs, obvi”

“FTL, bro!”


“Please can I have a minute of your time to speak to you about something very important???

Our savior Jesus Christ gave himself so completely to us and I ask you to please let Christ into your heart”



Thanksgiving dinner Grace

“I would just like to thank you Jesus for all that you’ve given us, for everything you sacrificed for us, we just want to thank you, Christ, we want to thank you for giving my sister a second chance at life after her terrible addiction to meth and coffee enemas, as well as her many abortions, and to aunt Susan who continues to devote her life to servicing you, God, we are so grateful that you gave so much for us Jesus, AMEN!

“LOL, FTL!!! You freaks! Do you actually believe that there is a god? Ahaha ...ok, lol! And Santa Clause and spongebob squarepants are also real.”

“Hello, this is Cindy Jenkins from Holy Savior Church in Santa Monica, we would like to ask for your donation this holiday season to help spread the good word of the lord almighty.”

“Shut up, church bitich , and FTL! ..Click”

by SatansAnus March 7, 2018


Fuck Then Leave

Hey dude you still dating that girl

Nah dude I just FTL (Fuck Then Leave)

by GloryHoleINC. May 13, 2023