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Pillow Farter

A person who farts on their girlfriend's pillow.

AJ Rothert is a goddamn pillow farter.
That pillow farter gave me pink eye

by radasballs September 24, 2011

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

phantom farter

Some body who lays a silent but grossley smelly fart and walks off like nothing ever happened..

There twenty people on a bus. One guy passes that stink goul fart very quietly with nobody the wiser and gets off at the next stop. Ten seconds after he's gone, everybody wants to know who farted. Somebody shouts "phantom farter stikes again"

by 19th street kid February 19, 2008

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Public Farter

A person who farts publicly usually without shame

Harold: *Fart*

Cassi: Eww Harold, why would you fart in public. Now everyone is looking

Jack: B/c he’s a a Public Farter

Harold: Dudes right, better to let it rip than to hold it in

by Your Dude 67 January 26, 2021

smart farter

Smart Farter - One who only farts when other living things are around to blame it on, ie people waiting in line, dogs, group of people in an elevator.

Bob was sitting on the sofa with his wife and their two dogs. He rips a silent and smelly Fart. His wife says "Who farted?". Bob replies "it must of been one of the dogs" Bob got away with it because he is a smart farter

by loma_prieta January 9, 2014

pencil farter

A pencil in the butt while farter

"Shut the fuck up you pencil farter"

by Kayythaagoat August 25, 2017

Hot Farter

Someone who farts on a hot mic.

David hot farts in Discord whenever he eats chili. He sure is a hot farter.

by r4d1c4l1 November 7, 2021

Farter Manga

A series of written chronicles developed by Poopy Pants McWhorter Inc. It depicts the tale of a boy named Farter.

"Have you read the newest farter manga?"
"Dude it's so good"

by farterinc June 21, 2022