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A term given to the act of a Fencer
a person/people engaged in Male homosexual behavior in which the two gentlemen are using their male parts as swords

in sexual battle against each other with very arousing results.

See--Fencer NOUN

I saw two guys fencing in the park this afternoon

by MrSmarts1986 November 21, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fence is what you take when someone suggests that you obtained goods illegally.

Don't take a fence, but did you really pay fifteen hundred quid for an Yves St Laurent suit that doesn't fit?

by Urban-Joe May 27, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

on the fence

trailer park clothes line

Cissy, Go get my clean draws hangin on that there fence

by fo my pizz da playa September 12, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


An activity in which fags assmeble pretending to be athletic. Mindless drivel and shuffling across mats in order to pretend to be straight athletes. The will power to not just wack each other is amazing. However, fencing is not a sport but rather a gayer version of arts and crafts.

Fencing is not a sport

by l March 4, 2005

108๐Ÿ‘ 599๐Ÿ‘Ž


-short for when Mike said, "I'd like to see that bitch, Mary, bent over a fence while a horse fucks her."
-good, dope, clutch
-can be substituted for "thanks"

"Heh, that's fence."
"Happy Fencegiving"
"Fence for stopping by."
"Fence, line 1, line 1 is for FENCE."

by cheezdribble December 1, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž


A complete non-sport for fat women and skinny boys, as well as old guys who like to tickle each other with metal. Kids are often directed to this non-sport by soccer moms and and dads who want to think they will look hip and different if their kids are involved in something as useless and gay as fencing. Really, what hetero male wants to be seen poncing around in tights?

This non-sport requires an ability to endure endless hours of boredom, whiny adults, and incompetent almost-coaches who want you to call them Master. In their language, they'll say Maestro, thinking you will think it sounds cool to say it. And they want you to spend every free dollar you
have to do it. Then they will convince you that you are part of some elite group when, in reality, you're just another fencing queer spending your free time mincing around in white tights, white hose, and ballet-like shoes.

Don't let these fencing fags fool you. True sports are things like football, boxing, snowboarding, surfing, kung fu, racing, and basically anything else that is actually requires true skill and is fun versus just pretending to.

In addition, fencing faggots lie harder the deeper they get involved in this lame endeavor. They become so addicted to
pointing their wanna-be swords at each other, they will tell you they are not gay ( lie ) and are athletes ( lie ) and come from a rich history of swordsman ( lie ). The equipment used today, unlike actual weapons used in duels of old, are not swords and do not have any ability to actually kill. Which is a pity, because then maybe they'd finally go away for good or at least consider putting on the frilly dress and being done with it.
Seriously, if you want to get into a REAL martial art, get into one that you can actually USE for self-defense. Kung Fu, Karate, or Boxing.

Q:"Did you hear I have started fencing?"

A: *gasp!* "I KNEW you were a faggot! Dude,
we can't hang out anymore."

by Tom Jenson January 16, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž


a so-called "sport" for queers, fags jump around in white tights and bang each other's long sticks, then they get new partners and repeat

honestly, fencing is an art, not a competitive sport

martial arts, wrestling, and football own fencing

everyday when our wrestling team walks by the fencing practice, we make fun of them

by TakedownFire December 7, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 264๐Ÿ‘Ž