an individual that reminds you of a turtle. This individual eats like a turtle, pointing their lips out while taking small little bites. Their diet consists of mostly salads.
Marcus McKinney is a Turtle-fern.
The most gorgeous American Horror Story villian to ever live heโs also in The tribes of Palos Verdes and has a small part in The assasination of Gianni Versace as David Manson, point is heโs an absolute babe with a cute Australian accent
Cody Fern is perfection to bad heโs gay cuz I want a piece of that
A drink made from Fernet Branca and Red Bull.
Man, all of those Fern Bullys we had last night got me wasted.
Oh my god, he is so fucking perfect.... he's sweet, kind gives you the best hugs and never has a dull conversation with you. when you look into his eyes your day becomes so much better and his smile always lights up the room. He also has an amazing sense of humour and large vocabulary that will always make you laugh, he's so smart as well he may as well go off and graduate. Unfortunately, he's asexual and won't ever feel attracted to me or anybody.... love you Elliot
"You know Elliot Fern?"
"Yeah! the really cute and amazing guy?"
"Yeah... too bad he's ace"
"so sad...."