When you cannot spend money without thinking about how much it could have been worth in 5 years if you had invested it. Related to but different than gambling addiction.
Karl: I bet if you spent 150$ taking Sally to a nice dinner she would play “hide the salami” with you
Me: Bro, I can’t... I have finance brain
An up and coming company that will be worth billions one day
Did you hear about how well H and L Finances are doing in the stock market?
A thorough line-by-line examination of your fiscal status and behavior, with particular attention focused on your debts.
Tronald Dump has been such a bad boy monetarily all through his life dat performing a proper oweverhaul of finances for him would likely take decades!
A cooking school were 72% don’t want to cook
75% of them got in because no other school wanted them
There was kid you was locked in the freezer and was never heard from again
Food and finance high school sucks
A controller of finance oversees the functions of accounting in the company and ensures records are kept properly. They contribute to the financial strategies of the company and in developing internal control policies. They also perform risk management activities and develop plans to minimize risk
They ensure that all accounting information are accurate and proper at all times at each end of each quarters of the comapny's fiscal year.
I serve as a finance controller to provide risk mitigations from financial fraud both, internally and externally. I provide quarterly reports during each quarters (4x within a fiscal year) and also I ensure that our company are in compliant of all GAAP and accounting laws.
A term of honor applied to one with a special love of money & a gift for investing far above average. The best. A money magnet with a splash of Meyer Lanskey.
"Of course he netted us $50 grand. That motherfucker is The Wizard Of Finance ! "
A term of honor applied to one with a special love of money & a gift for investing far above average. The best. A money magnet with a splash of Meyer Lanskey.
"Of course he netted us $50 grand. That motherfucker is The Wizard Of Finance ! "