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swing your fucking nuts

(1) v. To take charge and/or control of a situation.

(2) v. To 'Get your dick wet' by some girl you just saw or met.

(1) "Look, you're an elevator guy, swing your fucking nuts!"

(2) "Look, you're an elevator guy, swing your fucking nuts!"

by Scruggy Gingerbeard September 12, 2019

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You gotta be fucking my left nut

Usually said when something would make your life harder to live in, or would make your tasks harder to do

β€œBro did you hear, Mr. Tomasulo input our math test grade” β€œYou gotta be fucking my left nut”

by Real Ram October 10, 2019

hog breath cum stain fuck nut

derogatoryword, used to insult some wierd fullah who did some wierd shit

you hog breath cum stain fuck nut!! why would you do your sister like that?

by bobbyjones@hotmail.com August 2, 2006

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Cock gobbling tit fucking nut tugging piece of shit

Some one who genuinely has no fucking clue how to live life with out being being an absolute disappointment to everyone on earth whether they know them or not

"Hey Gary, did you see that cock gobbling tit fucking nut tugging piece of shit try to ask out Stacey to prom using pokemon cards like a retarded nerd"

by TheeSteelNutt April 2, 2020

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Fuck nut

A dumb fuck that does dumb shit for no reason

Omg stop being such a fuck nut Johnny

by Meanymani March 11, 2020

Fuck Nut

1: A person who is so incredibly retarded that they do literally everything in the dumbest fuckin way possible

2: A person who makes insanely idiotic mistakes on a hourly to daily basis and is too stupid to

A: Fix them.

B: Realize they did something retarded in the. first place

A: Omfg George wth are you doing? Why are you such a fuck nut?

B: My brothers are a bunch of fuck nuts.

C: Melissa doesn't realize how much of a fuck up she is, she's such a fuck nut

by TabrisDefinitions January 28, 2023

Fuck nut

A crazy dumbass.

That dude is a serious fuck nut.

by Dewonmylily March 11, 2016