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A hobby/genre which focuses on artwork and stories about animal-headed people. Unfortunately, the brainless boglumps from anti-furry websites just don't "get" furry fandom and clutter up UrbanDictionary with flimsy crapulence because they're incapable of creating anything of their own.

Let's break it down so there can be no confusion: You don't have to think you're an animal to be a furry fan. You don't have to rave about your inner platypus to be a furry fan. You don't have to insert the word "fur" into every sentence to be a furry fan. You don't have to wear a fursuit to be a furry fan. You don't have to like furry porn to be a furry fan.

Most furries are just folks who thought "The Lion King" or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" or even Sonic the Hedgehog was majorly cool. They write about and draw cartoon animals. I have no idea why this makes some people go apeshit, but there ya go.

Furry fandom makes the brainless boglumps from CrushYiffDestroy waste their lives away and that's just sad.

by Reality Asserts Itself November 25, 2004

228๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž


Furries are Members of furry fandom.They Recive Alot of insults for reasons such as Stereotypes and the fact that they are different. Like most stereotypes they are not fact.
Furry stereotype: homosexuals who go to conventions so they can Have Sex With Each other.

What happens at conventions: Furries go to Conventions to show off there art,stories and other creations they have made.

Sexuality of Furries: in various studies which asked Furries about there sexuality 30-51% Responded Hetrosexual, 19-25% Responded Homosexual and 37-48% responded Bisexual.

Fursuits: Furries wear Fursuits beacause it makes them feel unique . Some People make their own! A few people Auction off their fursuits and give the money to charity. Many furries are Party Entertainers for young children and wear there Fursuits to entertain. A fursuit costs around

400$ to 1,500$.

Social Aspect: Fur cons and Furfan Websites are a great way to make new friends. In a study, Furries who were in a Romantic Relationship (about 50% of those questioned) around 75% where dating someone who was a Furfan.

Furry: im going to have a great time at Califur!
Guy: Furries are gay.
Furry: I accept the things you like, Why don't you accept the things i like?
guy: What do i like that you accept?
Furry: For example you like wasting your life trolling.

by Furry13556 May 10, 2011

117๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


A furry is a person who feels a bond with a certain species of animals and is active in conservation of wildlife and environment. Not to be confused with bestiality and zoophilia, Furries are usually found in parks or pubs being normal and earning money. Some furs will wear a fursuit or a tail, for example, but because there are many narrow-minded people many Furs are too scared to wear their Furry items in public. Being Furry is merely an expression of love for the animal kingdom.

I can't go out this weekend; I'm going out with my furry friends for a drink.

by Mosey July 22, 2004

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furry = geek + animal

by Brad Garfunkelstein September 15, 2003

368๐Ÿ‘ 398๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word furry has several meanings, dependent on the context in which it is used. Predominantly, it pertains to an interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or mythological or imaginary creatures which possess human or superhuman capabilities. The plural form of furry in all its contexts is furs or furries; the subjects of furry interest are also known as furries.

Thanks to the public eye, such as an article in Vanity Fair and the television program CSI, furries are often stereotyped as an overweight middle-aged guy with a bestiality fetish and a habit of dressing up in fursuits and "getting it on" with poor, defenseless plushies in holes they dug in the forest before eating berries, though most recognize that as somewhat of an exaggerated stereotype. Someone who says they are furry is generally expressing an interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or creatures. How deep or meaningful that interest is varies greatly from person to person. Also, the breadth of a person's interest in the fandom, and what ultimately makes them furry, is specific to each individual. Below is a list of common interests with which a fur is likely to identify. A furry may be interested in any or all of them, to any degree. Someone claiming to be furry would also be part of the furry fandom.
Interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or creatures can be as simple as the many popular furry cartoon characters, known as funny animals. These may include Bugs Bunny, Tony the Tiger, Sly Cooper, Star Fox, etc. However, someone who merely happens to like these characters is not necessarily a furry; the degree and nature of one's interest is relevant here.

Some furs believe they have a spiritual connection to a particular animal which is typically their fursona, but also may be a totem. Strong spiritual believers may often say that they are "an animal in a human body" (and in fact may identify themselves as Otherkin, Weres and/or Therians). Furry lifestylers often fall into this category.
Some furs may be interested only in the creative aspects of the furry fandom. Furry content, both online and off, is easy to obtain, and available in vast amounts, and furs produce new works regularly. Furry artwork is also done by many nonfurries as well in targeting the fandom. Others may disassociate themselves from the fandom and refer to themselves as funny animal artists. Furries may also enjoy role-playing a particular furry character or fursona, sometimes writing about this character or recording their online interactions for posterity.
A relatively common practice among furries is to dress up in a costume that is typically designed after a fursona. These "fursuits" are usually worn at conventions, and a few are even designed to accommodate sexual situations.
To some furs, the sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals is a part of what makes them furry. This is a topic of much controversy, as it has been the subject of early media attention (such as that from Wired Magazine and Vanity Fair), and has spawned a few groups (such as the Burned Furs) with a desire to shame or suppress those who display their philias in public.
From within the fandom, anything classified as an anthropomorphic animal and/or creature could be called a furry. That could be anything from Scooby Doo to various sports mascots to Omaha the Cat Dancer. Since mainstream characters are generally not created with furries in mind, the furry context is presumed by most outsiders to not be present despite subcultural interest.
Any art showcasing anthropomorphic animals is generally considered furry artwork. Artwork that contains furries in sexual situations may be called yiff or spooge art.

Anthropomorphic creatures that are also considered to be furry include (but are not limited to): dragons and lizards (also known as "scalies"), gryphons, and taurs (centaurs being the prime example).

Julie-Shaun draws those animal-people... Is he a furry?
Julie-Does that mean he's into that weird sex stuff with costumes and animals?!
Devon- Nah, most of them dont do stuff like that...
Julie-Really, but I heard it on TV and you cant just make up stuff and put it on TV without solid facts behind it!

by Anon Ihmus March 29, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


A furry is an anthropomorphic animal. You often see them in cartoons or advertising.

Furry characters, sometimes difficult to describe in prose, often come to life on the comics page. Some popular anthropomorphic comics include Usagi Yojimbo, a samurai rabbit created by Stan Sakai, and Shanda the Panda, a modern single-girl panda by Mike Curtis.

Tony the Tiger is an example of a furry.

by You Can Mock Us All You Like From The Boring Bus November 26, 2004

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Furry is a fandom of people that have an interest in animals. They are defined by 1 or more of the following groups:

(A)Fursuiters (Costume furs)
(B)Artists (Furry/Anthro art)
(C)Furverts (which are actually quite rare in this fandom)
(D)Roleplayers (DnD, with anthro furs)
(E)People who genuinely believe they're animals (Nutcases)

Most furries are B and D, but if you run into all of these categories mixed together, RUN AWAY!!! Because you have just met the kind of fur that made the public coin the term "furfag" for all furries.

Any person who has any mix, but involves category C is also what's called a "furfag".

Furries have NO sexual attraction to their pets, that is a myth made up by a couple of wigger kids while getting high off their dad's drug collection. But be doubtful about that damn category E... As all non-furry lunatics are, these guys are unpredictible.

Mos furries are B and D, but the ones that involve C and/or E are "furfags".

Furries are sexually attracted to other humans and are in the furry fandom for fun.

Fursuiting, if it doesn't involve diapers, is a perfectly acceptable thing for furries to do. Even non-furries fursuit for birthday parties, theme parks etc.

Remember these truths and keep them in mind when you meet a furry.

by Furry who is A and B April 2, 2010

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