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A term used to describe the phenomena that occurs when one's zipper is down, thus revealing one's penis.

Oh my god, do you realize that you were gapping in front of the entire audience? You almost gave an elderly woman a black eye with that mushroom sprout of yours!

by WT-Dimanche January 24, 2010

29๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


A German American Princess a bratty girl who ask there daddy for everything and gets it ,a brat who is of german descent but was born in the usa and has a american citzenship, can be seen driving a expensive german car like a porsche, They usally wear there hair in a loose braid, are fans of Marc Jacbos and Coach, Wear overly priced colthing and corsett tops love 5 inch heels, Drink under age

Omg!! She brougt a porsche to drivers ed what a Gap

by Taylor June 20, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A big hole between your legs(not crotch)
From doing it, a lot.

Got it!

Dude,look at my gap! It's hella big!

by nikaloverhi June 19, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


GAP=Gay And Proud

by My NIGGA July 5, 2003

27๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


gap between the thighs means large cavaity inside the vagina.

when you penetrate a female , who has a gap between the thighs, you cant feel the inside of her vagina wall. its seems that the gap in her thighs has also moved the vagina wall. she is loose!

by doglett January 6, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


a space in between someones teeth, usually between the two front teeth. usually makes a man unattracted to that women with the gap.

look at that sexy lady ova there... OH WAIT.. SHE HAS A HUGE GAP IN BETWEEN HER TEETH.

by layyna August 9, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for "Giant Asian Penis"

girl- I love the taste of your GAP

boy- That's right bitch, you do.

by 2 my gap suckers April 2, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž