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A guy in Michigan who has a very bad beard.

"That guy looks like such a Garrett."

by Intense screaming May 25, 2022


Garrett is probably the most chill dude you will ever meet. Always laid back and doesn't care what people think about him. He is probably on the soccer team or maybe even the kicker on the football team. They always work hard and never skip leg day. You will probably see Garrett in the gym at least 5 days a week sweating his balls off so he can get the rockin bod just for his Girl friend. If you know a someone named Garrett you will definitely be friends.

Sam: Dang Garrett Is this your 3rd leg day of the week??

Garrett: Yeah it was a lighter day though only 3 sets of 315 on squat and some lunges don't want to overdo it.

by jajajanebsnci November 18, 2020


The term Garrett is a term used in place of any word in the world, the meaning is whatever you feel like is should be, it doesn’t matter who you are talking too it will make like much more fun.

Replace words with Garrett. It makes life more Garrett

by The only Garrett October 4, 2021


A yeehaw with a tiny peen

Man that garrett fellow is a yeehaw with a tiny pp

by lilBEEF6969 April 13, 2019

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Is very protective about not only his friends and girlfriend but his family! You will get lost in his big brown eyes! sorta athletic per say! Loves not only memes but DANK memes! Worships god to no extent.

Garrett has a very good heart

by WubbleBubble321 February 4, 2017

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Garrett is someone who you will always find with his one true love Christy. Garrett's have a strong chemistry and magnetism to Christy's. He will always find his way back to her. Never get attached or feel special unless you are Christy cuz your time with Garrett is limited. He will love her forever.

Garrett is so hot, who's the girl he's with?
That's his Christy, the only girl Garrett loves.

by Bratgirl0127 May 19, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Rhymes with ferrett hahahahaha

Garrett= ferret

by Enhhhhhh June 20, 2015

34πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž