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national kaitlyn is gay day

This is a day that is every day of the year where Kaitlyn’s all around the wourld can make out with there non-existent girlfriends because they are lonely. Go have fun making out with no one you lonely person.

Definition of national Kaitlyn is gay day
Person 1:Hey it’s nation Kaitlyn is gay day bro
Person 2: why do you care Your lonely any way
Person 1:go suck a dick
Person 2:fuck you im gay

by Some gay bitch October 17, 2021

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E-gigant is gay day

Its a celebration of The troop that is called E-ginant in clash royale turned gay this day

This is how to use the word: E-gigant is gay day for frick skae its so fricking op man supercell fricking nerf this shi.

by Bunnprisgorme May 4, 2022

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February 4th “Gay Day”

Be as gay as you want with any boy without saying no homo. It is not gay. You can even touch tips.

Billy: Can I slip my dick in your ass?
James: No, I’m not gay.
Billy: It’s February 4thGay Day”, so it’s not gay.
Billy: Oh! Then yeah go ahead!

by November 30, 2023

National Gay Day

The 2nd and 18th of every month are the days when you can kiss a guy and not be gay. Also if you're born on these days, in April, May, October and November, You start life with your gay charge bar with already 50% charged.

Nathan: "What are you doing Howard? kissing a guy? I thought you were straight.
Howard: Nah dude it's National Gay Day. I'm still straight.

by DankestDiavolo October 23, 2023

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National Everyone Is Gay Day

This holiday falls on the 22nd of April. Everyone must be gay and send nude pics to all their same sex friends. Penis or vagina must be shown during this act.

Oh my god! It's National Everyone Is Gay Day! You gotta send your nudes!

by ImNotGayButWillSucDic April 19, 2020

May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day

A day where gay people are sad.

Oh, I get why you're sad, it's because it's May 23rd: National Gay People Be Sad Day

by Most average sized Dav May 23, 2023

National Virtsak is gay day

Every day on September 18th we make fun of Virtsak for being a homosexual cause it’s funny

National Virtsak is gay day haha

by Kody ocko September 18, 2021