28๐ 14๐
An "illeterate monkey" in a human's body. A complete failure who just doesn't want to accept his dumbness.
Let's be stupid today and do George Bush things.
23๐ 11๐
An arrogant assh... who thinks he gets brownie points with women by crediting his wife for his success. No george you should thank your daddy, your trust fund, your dads friends in high places,legacy admission to a prestigous university, Karl Rove, A.A. He has left a trillion dollar debt for our nations young citizens, abused the honerable young men and women in the armed services by knowingly accepting false intelligence and manipulating it to have his fantasy of being a war president become a reality.Al quaida thanks him as he is the poster boy for recruitment of anti american sentiment world wide and every innocent civilian he kills, their sons and brother join the resistance in Iraq . You have created a quagmire that the USA will pay for for centuries. Thanks for being the biggest f... up in the history of the United States!
Insight into americas biggest f... up!
394๐ 284๐
A man of no skills except dodging shoes
George bush got Shoe pwned!!!!!
31๐ 17๐
The worst president to ever go down in history.
In early 2004, an informal survey of 415 historians conducted by the nonpartisan History News Network found that eighty-one percent considered the George Bush administration a "failure."
50๐ 31๐
GW in College
A retard who only got into Yale because his Daddy has money and barely got through wth a C- average. A cheerleader and cocaine addict who was commonly arrested for drunk driving.
GW in business
A financial flop who owns several corporations who should be bankrup except for the fact that his daddy put more money into it. Overall.. cant run a company... so how the hell is he going to run a country?
GW as president
toooo fucking much... would take my entire afternoon to write this. The basics... wrong on war, the war on terror, abortion, gay rights, examples, taxes and life in general.
GW on Sept. 11
After the attacks he had 7 members of the Bin Laden family in the united states in custody,,, want to know what he did with them? He let them leave the country and go back to Iraq. Bad choise Mr. Bush.
An idiot who has no clue what he's saying
"They misunderestimated me"
"I believe that the human being and the fish shoud be able to live together in peace and harmony"
"We should be able to put food on our children"
"Mission Accomplished" (NOT!)
"I know it's a budget... because it has lots of numbers on it!"
We are letting THIS man lead our country? What the fuck happened?
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