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A kink formed between a grandmother and grandson

Trevor loves to get Gerted with his grandmother!

by T-op August 29, 2021


A kink a formed between a grandson and grandmother called Gerted.

Trevor enjoys Gerted things with his grandmother!

by T-op August 29, 2021



An idiot who often uses 'Your Mom' jokes and harsh humor to fit in. A Gert is a kind of homofobic person, but often acts very homosexual himself, this behavior is very unusual, and can sometimes lead to a debate in smaller groups.

Gert is so annoying...

"Have you ever tried toothpaste on yout nuts?" - Gert

"One of my cats was sleeping on the tractor engine, it died when i started the tractor, happens quite often" - Gert

by Mudspa November 27, 2017


Huge dick

Gert. has a huge dick

by DivisionIsCool May 17, 2018


Gert is a boy from my school.
He's cool.

Hi gert.

by Najq December 18, 2021


a rude, passive aggressive woman. Usually a bit overweight. Has the teacher stance and needs to leave.

"There goes gert again. I hate her class. She makes it the worst."

by apphpslither June 10, 2024


Gert means intense crypto gains.

"Daimn son where did you get those Gert?

by Gurtje November 22, 2021