A kink formed between a grandmother and grandson
Trevor loves to get Gerted with his grandmother!
A kink a formed between a grandson and grandmother called Gerted.
Trevor enjoys Gerted things with his grandmother!
An idiot who often uses 'Your Mom' jokes and harsh humor to fit in. A Gert is a kind of homofobic person, but often acts very homosexual himself, this behavior is very unusual, and can sometimes lead to a debate in smaller groups.
Gert is so annoying...
"Have you ever tried toothpaste on yout nuts?" - Gert
"One of my cats was sleeping on the tractor engine, it died when i started the tractor, happens quite often" - Gert
a rude, passive aggressive woman. Usually a bit overweight. Has the teacher stance and needs to leave.
"There goes gert again. I hate her class. She makes it the worst."
Gert means intense crypto gains.
"Daimn son where did you get those Gert?