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Grubbs Grady

character in the demonata book series by darren shan, nephew of Dervish Grady and half-brother of Billy Spleen

Grubbs Grady

" call me grubbs, i hate grubitsh!"

by yo yo to the ho ho May 16, 2009

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Grady Special

To fuck somebody in their open wound

Oliver: i tripped and scraped my knee then grady tore it open and did a grady special.

Calvin: Right On!!!

by Kirk666 September 28, 2007

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grady baby

A person or child which was delivered/born at Grady Hospital, located in metro Atlanta. Grady Hospital serves the most people within the Atlanta area and is on the verge of bankruptcy as of 2007.

"You a grady baby?"

by ideabirth June 27, 2007

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Dirty Grady

the act of shoving an apple up ones asshole then launching it across the room while ur partner tries to catch it in his/her mouth while also giving a reach around to a endangered gorilla

leo"hey u hear about panza?"
cod "no what happened?"
Leo"Panza got a dirty grady from owen"

by big panza May 24, 2011

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Grady&Regina are the perfect love couple.. A dream come true. People everywhere wish for this type of love. Inseparable the two do everything together. Fuck with one and you are fucking with both. Known to tag team every situation and get what they want. They are a badass couple that can't go unnoticed. You see them and get instantly jealous. Grady&Regina are pornstars together. Love making like no other. Separate them and they aint shit. Together they will rule everything. Grady Loves Regina. Regina Loves Grady. Always and forever.

A Grady&Regina was seen together today walking hand in hand saying fuck the world.

by Mrperfectdick May 5, 2018

grady ghost

A Holy Spirit dividing the deserving from the unworthy.often takes form as a weimareiner and gives people many opportunities to prove their worth.eats green beans and souls.

Gabe:Yo holy crap it’s Grady Ghost

by That Defining Dino July 11, 2020

ducking Grady

Term coined by Stephon, a Lakeland, Florida-based rapper. He drew recognition for his song about avoiding Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd's deputies called β€œDucking Grady". To duck Grady means to lay low and avoid someone, namely the police.

1) I can't get in trouble with the law tonight man, I'm trying to duck Grady.

2) They think they ducking Grady, but they ain't.

by urbandefiner813 October 10, 2019