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Grimace Shake

A supernatural milk shake you can buy from mcdonalds putting it simply.


Once you have taken a sip or two, within 15 minutes to 2 hours multiple things can happen. Typically linked to brain rot, your body will slowly begin convulsing and having seizures uncontrollably whilst you vomit as it tries to remove the milkshake from your body. As this happens, after you have taken a sip all brain growth begins to stop and disintegrates your brain cells normally linked to the stomach or lungs, causing them to fail and reject the beverage, forcing to involuntarily convulse until it is out of your system or until you die. Typically as you begin to lose your mind, your internal temperature rises, causing you to involuntarily want to take off your clothes and run somewhere to catch some cooling wind, all of course during seizures.

Then and only then, Grimace himself take advantage of your mortality and turn you into a vassal for him to terrorize the world beyond his grave in a tradition celebrating his birthday.

"Okay guys, today we'll be trying the Grimace Shake, Happy birthday Grimace."

by piΓ±atalover922 June 26, 2023

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Fuckin' Grimace

To do something so inherently stupid, yet your friends choose not to alienate you from the group and resort to summing up the scenario with this comment.

"He bought the truck, then two days later ran it into a light pole and totalled it when he was drunk."

"Fuckin' Grimace!"

by Monkeyfuck McGrew December 8, 2004

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Grimace shake

A misterious purple liquid it has been observed and said that whoever drinks it will be healthy forever after :)

- hmmmm the grimace shake is just awesome want to try it man

by fake name#0000000000000000 July 5, 2023

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Grimace Complex

A hefty, overweight, plump, or obese female who seems to always wear the color purple because they think it might look good on them and make their body an optical illusion and look slimming.

They must all have a Grimace Complex. The only thing they're missing is the Fry Kids and the Hamburglar, oh, they must have ate them both before coming out tonight.

by C Mir July 3, 2011

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Grimace of Greeting

A weird face that sends a greeting or hello to another person without speaking, usually a friend or good acquaintance. While the nod of acknowledgement (sic) is used primarily between men, this is acceptable use for both genders.
It is not a symbol of respect, but a friendly way to give someone a little attention, usually when there is not time to stop and chat.

Not advised to be used towards superiors, stuffy people, or strangers, as the face will result in puzzlement of the receiving party.

I passed Katy in the hallway on the way to Physics, and we exchanged our grimaces of greeting, as I had two minutes to get there.

Johngave his grimace of greeting to an intern as class began and only got a concerned look in return.

by DasRaskalKing December 31, 2010


a synonynm for purple haze marijuana. Derives from Grimace the purple Mc Donald's character

That grimace we was smoking had me on my ass yesterday.

by Clint Clint December 5, 2007

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Vertical Grimace

See vertical smile also.

Vertical grimace is an adaptation on "vertical smile", referring to the female genitalia. A grimace, is a more horizontal facial expression than a smile, therefore assimilating more closely to a vagina shape when rotated 45 degrees; rather than a smile.

4 LADS walking down the street, they spot a cluster of jailbait across the road.

"Look at the vertical grimace"
"It's very GRIM out here today"
"Grimace, 4o'clock"

They won't have a clue you're talking about them!! Until everyone's using this phrase of course.

by NewquayJay June 1, 2011

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