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Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal

The iconic Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal is a common staple of Penn State dining. Everyday, cheerful students walk in one of many of Penn State's commons and come out grim-faced. That's when you know they were grilled chicken thigh halaled. Why? It is not only obsessively re-served over other foods that dining knows students enjoy far more over the poor chickens which probably were not even slaughtered halal-style, it also just does not taste good. Eating cardboard with salt and pepper is more preferable to Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal.

The Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal is a perfect example of one man's trash, another man's trash. To feed the Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal to anyone is essentially the equivalent of wishing them a terrible life.

If you see the Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal, run, and keep your mouth closed. Before you know it, you have a giant chicken thigh inside your throat.

Freshman: "What the hell is this sad compostable pile of shit?"
Senior: "Oh, that's the Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal. We don't talk about the Grilled Chicken Thigh Halal."
Freshman: "Why do they serve it?"
Senior: "Beats me. I'm not gonna miss it when I graduate."

by Lexatic September 23, 2020


Person that is muslim that eats pork and beef

eating steak?!?!

by bigmandonkeysauce November 22, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halal cheating

It is when a Muslim man gets a secret wife without the permission of his first wife (In Islam, polygyny is allowed). In moralistic terms, this is considered cheating, but it is considered "permissible" in Islam. Hence, you may cheat without the permission of your first wife, as long as you're doing it the halal way!

Married woman: I just learned that my husband had another wife behind my back for 12 years! I feel so crushed. Was I not enough?
Sister: *sighs* Poor woman, you just caught him halal cheating.

by Your wife's step-bro May 23, 2024

halal peek

If you peek around a corner insanely fast

Bro, that cheater halal peeked our entire team as if he was Chuck Norris.

by cafcon December 11, 2023

Halal Pi

When the digits of the number ฯ€ used in a given calculation to a certain degree of accuracy to produce a product need to be checked and approved by certified Islamist or Mohammedan educators before it could be sold to green customers.

The Taliban warn green publishers that only math titles that have the โ€œhalal piโ€ stamp on them could be used in local universities.

by Fasters February 11, 2022

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A person or object that is more halaler than another

person โ€œI am halalโ€ , person 2 โ€œI am halalerโ€

by Aeeman February 10, 2020


Check to see if a good is suitable for Muslims

Waleed: let me halalize the meat on this pizza

by Couchicle January 25, 2019