A condition marked by fever or unconsciousness due to excessive exposure to hot water.
My friend Jed had a heatstroke in the hot tub and was admitted to the hospital.
A fat thick meat gina.
A wide, meaty vagina.
"I don't wanna be in that...pastrami hot tub!"
"The hot tub room" is an old wooden room that used to have a hot tub in it. A bunch of stoner teenagers remade it to be their hangout/smoke room. What's done in this hot tub room are not many important things. They smoke marijuana, cigarettes, play cards, eat, and play jungle. The hot tub room resides in a local home of Florida, NY.
"Hey Kyle! Let's go hangout in the hot tub room, I have everything we need!"
"Okay Steph! Don't need to tell me twice!"
1: The act of searching for a hot tub in a nearby area and doing whatever it takes to get in it...whether it be jumping fences or avoiding mean dogs or hotel security.
2: Not stealing a hot tub; more like stealing and enjoying the hot water and company of friends. Taking what you wish was yours.
"Hey man, we gonna go poach a hot tub tonight?"
"So steal it?"
"Nooo! go find one and drink some brews in a nice hot tub, that isn't ours."
"Then hell yeah, we are definitely Poaching a Hot Tub tonight!!"
A woman who is sleeping with an older rich man for his money
"Did you hear about Kelly?" "Yeah man she's In The Hot Tub With Grandpa".
When you ejaculate onto a women's chest and all the cum forms together in her belly button.
Yeah, I gave Alyssa an Indiana Hot Tub last night
When a male ejaculates into someone else’s belly button and leaves it to marinate.
Yo, I just tried the Italian hot tub with my girl the other night. She dumped me dude.