Oh shit so he sees it too! Or SAW it. I'm not going to say it's alien but, yeah, no totally. Psychic prison made of retards.
Hym "Yeah, no, is THAT L. Ron Hubbard was all about? Oooooooooooh... Yeah, yeah, I get it. He's right! Not about the 'I need to give all of my resources to L. Ron charlatans' kimd of way but the psychic retard prison kind of way. Yeah, my thetan level is clearly the highest. I have the most energy! Ok. So that explains a lot. I guess Scientology isn't completely full of shit.... Hmmm..."
Sexy beast who gets what he wants and cares for everyone yet cuts himself because he is dying on the inside but tells everyone he's happy and looks only to make others happy.
Darwin Hubbard is soo cute but whys he Emo?
The sexiest crab man to ever live and owner of Don’s Crabs. Is the only man to ever be born with
Jeff Hubbard is such a sexy motherfucker. I wanna suck his crab claw dick so bad. Danelle is such a lucky woman.
Owner of Don’s crabs Towson. Is the only man to ever be born with a 25 pound cock. Spent 7 years in federal prison for crab trafficking.
Jeff hubbard is such a sexy motherfucker. Danelle is such a lucky woman. I just wanna suck his crab dick.
Is a sweet girl, who can always make you laugh. She is known for her crazyness, and also beauty. She tends to say whats on her mind. And makes the perfect lil sis.
Alli Hubbard; a graceful hippo
Used by Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man
Alternative for saying 'mother f*****'
'You get out right now! that is an order!'
Gwen : 'I'll get everybody out'
'did you hear wh-'
'Gwen, Gwen! You Mother Hubbard are you serious?'