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indie kid

An Indie Kid is usually between 13 and 20. They make their entire personality based off the fact they don't listen to anything slightly mainstream. They are usually assholes, difficult to be around and incredibly shallow. They will often pick their social circle wisely based off of the music they listen to, the way they dress, the places they hang out etc.

They love indie music until one of their songs chart or they get signed to a major record label. Then they'll typically say things like "their old music was so much better", "it's a shame they're sellouts now", "i hate their new music"

Usually they will grow out of this phase, if not please consult your doctor asap.

Normal Person: Hey, have you listened to mainstream artist}'s new album?
Indie Kid: Ugh! NO! They are so manufactured! Nothing comes from their soul! You should really listen to Unknown shitty Soundcloud band. They are so much better

by willy nilly <3 August 3, 2021

Indie Kids

some qualities of indie kids-
-listen to indie music (obviously)
-wear drainpipes
-wear converse, pumps, fred perrys etc.
-hobbies include:
~going to gigs
~listening to music

all of the above=indie kids

by rahaha July 1, 2006

212👍 389👎

indie kid

A new generation of people who try to fit in by not fitting in.

Behind all the eyeliner, the gloves, the zebra striped leggings and the discarded t shirt, i could see beyond her indie kid dream.

by Ilovered November 13, 2009

13👍 16👎

Indie Kid

Here's a real definition. My best friend is Indie and I'm emo
Indie kids befriend who they want to. I'll be honest most don't like SCENE kids. Because Scene kids generally steal their style. (Jackets, vintage tee's and what-not)
Now they listen to whatever they want, but it is mostly non main stream bands. They love anything independant, not sounding like everything else out there. Happy, not depressed (like screamo) or revolting (like rap)
They do have a unique fashion sense
1) Everyone wants to be scene bright colored makeup overly done hair that exceeds it's limit
Way to many holes on their body and tattoos mostly of stars or guns or something overly trendy
2)Indie kids are very smart. They take pride in knowing what is actually going on in the world instead of the latest gossip on myspace.
They are fun loving and don't always shun people for not listening to their music and vice versa
My best friend listens to bands that I've never heard of but will listen to what I have playing in my car (Lorene Drive, etc)
Now everyone complains that they are stuck up but at least they aren't bitchy like scene kids that obviously follow a code of SCENEYNESS
And when you hang out with a group of people you're all going to dress somewhat alike

Indie kids=Read, write do something abstract and artistic very vintage and dont have to over do themselves with makeup and photoshop to look pretty
Emo kids= Emotional, sometimes dramatic but not always a cutter and not always depressed.
Scen kids= Overly dressed up emo kids, Photoshop and make themselves fake to look pretty colorful make up that should be left to raves only bitchy and egotisical

by EmoXCore<3 Her Indie Bestie July 11, 2008

52👍 83👎


Indie's think they're all so fucking individual. Indie-viduality has become a scene, and all these indies are identical. They're always trying to be different but it leads to failure fashion on www.melbournestreetfashion.com.
You will find them, rolling ciggys, drinking coffee, drinking goon, riding bicyles, being vegeterian, having perfect vocabulary, saying darling, darling, darling, watching the Virgin Suicides, shopping at opshops and finding oh so fashionable outfits that your dead great grandmother used to wear cause its so vintage, having an extremely strange interest in the UK and everything about it, using polaroids or film cameras or fisheyes or just loving photography... Indie's listen to the Smiths, Joy Division and weird psychedelic shit.

they used to love lookbook.nu, they used to love black rimmed glasses, they used to listen to MGMT, but they became too indie for all of it. Indies will always hate anything in the top 20. Indies will always ask "WHAT IS INDIE?!?!?!" But they do know what indie is..

REUBEN (indie #1): come over?
KATE (indie#2): i'll ride over there, we'll catch a coffee?
REUBEN (indie #1): Okay sure then we can go savers?

KATE (indie#2): Okay darling!

BRIAN (Normal kid): fucking indie kids.

by lolllllwhat June 10, 2010

17👍 23👎

Indie Kid

n) Indie kids come in many varieties but a few common traits about them are:
-tight pants
-unkept hair (usually a sanctuary for birds and miscellaneous indie items, in city areas rats are common)
-three or more pairs of vans slip-ons (very shitty appearance….with checkers)
-an extensive list of over two thousand songs that they have listened to once on their ipods
-striped sweaters or sweater vests
-striped sweaters for ipods
-share common like for songs utilizing 4 chords and a pentatonic scale solo(gay)
-an acoustic guitar(from target)
-tee shirts with bands you have never heard of and never will.
-snow caps in the dead of summer
-many have moderate to severe acne

Habitat: Their natural habitat is usually the local coffee shop/legion or v.f.w., which they habitually attend on weekends to watch obscure bands. Some indie kids actually watch the bands but most of them come to the shows to smoke in the parking lot with their friends and talk about other indie bands from Britain, also known as the U.K. (because we all know, the more British something is, the more AMAZING it is).

Everyday Life: Obscurity is really the basis of the entire culture. Chances are, if you have an indie friend, they are probably extreme long boarding in downtown Oswego, Illinois while listening to the Kaiser chiefs at this very moment

Diet: Everything an indie kid eats must be one of two things. Vegetarian or organic. Their meals include: tofu wraps
Turkey wraps
Lettuce wraps
Roast beef wraps
Ham and cheese wraps
Sprout and bean wraps
…………..Fuck it basically any wrap will do
overpriced obscure fruit smoothies(ex. Mango pomegranate)
Whole-wheat non-comformist purple red green and black chips
Tuna (without dolphin chunks in it)
Snapple brand drinks

Average Joe: dude, wanna go to the movies this weekend? The new ocean’s movie is out, it looks bad ass

Indie kid: nah dude, im heading to Colorado for the sundance movie festival, mainstream movies are trash, George Bush is brainwashing you…I’d much rather watch movies about lesbian cowboys eating pudding…and eat some organic lettuce wraps…*turns around and plays song on guitar with three chords*

Average Joe: fuckin weirdo…

by Chillaxers a.k.a. the crew September 26, 2007

45👍 73👎

Indie Kid

Another label placeed upon people, to either make them feel elite, to degrade, ect. the "indie" scene arose from the counter culture of the 60s & 70s. a decesndent of Punk rock scene, indie arose from the alt rock scene of the 80's and 90's. indie(the music) is now a more expiramental form of either garage rock. while the idea(in the scene) is to non-conform(which in fact is immpossible)its become a label, which allows society to degrade and put limits on human potential.

any other label used to describe someone who conforms to anothers idea of nonconforming by wearing vintage clothes, vans/converse, showing an obssesion with nature, "indie" rock, coffee and nonconforming. example of the Indie Kid

by AuZzY October 27, 2007

14👍 15👎