A ginger that wears caps and LIKES cats who is gay
Phil, you are a fruity individual
Targeted Individuals(TIs) are people who are illegally harassed, tortured, mind controlled, gang-stalked, and spied upon 24/7 by organized groups of persons. Targeting can be covert, or overt.
Mind control is a frequent report from targeted individuals. Torture is a frequent report from TIs. One frequent tactic used by the perpetrators of these targetings of people, is to use electronic telepathy technology(Microwaves/Electromagnetics - Google: Microwave Auditory Effect) on the targets to get them diagnosed as schizophrenic, so nobody will believe them.
A theme with targeting is that it is for life...
Factions within the US Military and Intelligence network are the biggest source of targeting on earth. Advanced technology is used against targeted individuals worldwide. Dr. Jose Delgado in the 1960's developed implants that could control the minds of people who have them. He later said they found electromagnetics could do all the same stuff without the need for surgery...
Targeted Individuals come in all shapes and sizes.
Targeted Individuals are very unlucky...
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Targeted individuals are those being harassed, tortured and killed by powerful right-wing religious lunatics. The males are whistleblowers and civil libertarians and the women targets are deemed to be uppity and not servile enough. The fanatics are "pro-life", homophobic, racist and sexist and they think anyone who questions authority...such as their authority is a traitor.
A targeted individual has many Christ-like qualities.
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The beliefs attitudes, and actions of individuals that support or perpetuate racism. Individual racism can occur at both an unconscious and conscious level, and can be both active and passive.
Individual Racism at the subconscious level. A White person who locks their car doors when a Black man walks by, refuses to date an Asian men because of their emasculation, refuses to date a Black women because of her attitude, doesn't want to hire a Latino because they are lazy (these are all stereotypes that he/she may believe)
Individual Racism at the conscious level is having an acknowledged prejudice against People of Color.
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When traveling, think of thaughts, that are like a ringing, try to picture how u could hack satalite by mind, or use power full magnet, and emp reader to find chip, from remote nearal monitoring of v2k, and do not talk about what ur voice sounds like to u.
Targeted Individual
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A targeted individual will notice very small things start going on around them. Most times the parties involved have a signal, such as coughing, clearing their throat, knocking, or another distinctive sound. The targeted person will also notice large vans or SUVs parking nearby their known locations, and often feel they are being watched. In almost every case, the people closest to this target are very involved - including family and friends. Depending on the situation, they will even tap bank accounts, cell phones, WiFi, and cameras. Their have been occasions where targeted individuals have disappeared with no trace, and it's later been told that their bodies were fed to live poultry. Of course, we have no proof of this since they always cover their tracks. They can and will get away with anything. Don't under estimate the power of the attacking party.
Ms. Hall is the targeted individual in this story.
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Targeted Individuals are people who are illegally and covertly harassed, abused, gang-stalked and spied upon 24/7 by organized groups of persons.
There are several reasons why people become targets and they usually have something to do with sex and money, in that order. The targeting may have to do with a messy divorce, child custody, unrequited love, whistle-blowing, revenge, differences in social, political, or religious beliefs, etc.
Targeting for monetary reasons can include anything from denying you social security benefits or workmen's comp. to outright stealing from your bank account, from sexual slavery to embezzelment, and so on.
Targets should vehemently resist all attempts at being denied any and all kinds of government benefits. Appeal any bad decisions and if you don't like the next decision, appeal it again.
Another claim being made and that is that people might be being targeted for experimental reasons by the military or security agencies, usually, to test out how certain mind-control techniques and weapons work, which goes back to money or sexual slavery.
The main purpose of the assaults is to discredit and control targets. Harassment and abuse is often set up by corporations, businesses, organized criminals, street gangs, right-wing extremists, doctors, dentists, lawyers, or anyone who stands a chance of making any money off of targets.
Targeted Individuals are often hit with gassing (blowing noxious bio/chemical fumes into the target's environment) and they are attacked psychologically, as well. These abuses often lead to the need for psychological and physiological medical attention, thereby providing a good cash flow for the medical community and for big pharma., while taking care of someone's personal problem at the same time.
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