The life or adventures of an infant
Hey did you get your personal essay on Infantism done yet?
No, I don't know much about my life when I was a baby.
When you desire to be with or see babies.
My mom was diagnosed with infantism towards my cousins child.
Infant electro shock weapon theory is the theory that you can get an infant to change their dominant hand by using an electro shock weapon on them when ever they use their dominant hand. Insides the mind of a baby the baby correlates using their right hand (the majority of the population is right handed) with pain so they don't use it any more. This is also sort of like reinforcement learning in computer science.
Did you here about the scientific paper on infant electro shock weapon theory?
He is smart, loyal, more knowledgeable.
He helps everyone
Like a leader like a boss
If you see anyone like a boss he is infant
It is a project created by a wacko egotistical autistic Irishman who preys on young children on the internet but claims it is for genealogy.
Project Infant is a secret code word.
it means you were a fucking mistake the moment you were born
look at this little infant misery ass bitch
you were an infant misery from the moment you could walk, no, even before that. the moment you came out the womb
Small man who brags about his quads
Bro shut the up you sound exactly like Alexander Infante