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the place were Niall James Horan was born

Person: Do you know Ireland

Me: Yeah, that’s we’re Niall is born

by accio_one.direction November 27, 2019

4👍 3👎


A sweet, adorable, hot, and amazing prince who’s favorites color’s yellow and enjoys spending time with his boyfriend. Did I also mention he’s talented at making food and speaking Spanish?

Ireland: Hola buenos dias, mi amado rey! I’ve made you some eggs and bacon for breakfast.
Boyfriend King Brett: Oh my this looks and smells so good, thank you my sweet prince!

by Bghere2004 October 10, 2021


the most beautiful positive gal. She is offend misunderstood and tends to be the best she can. Sometimes she is short minded but is a tall girl. Shes sporty and has mamma issues but tries her best to push through them. She is an incredible girl who deserves a reward

Ireland works very hard

by emmmmie dodo chip May 31, 2019


A country mispronounced more often then Tajikistan.

Bob:Oh, I'm going to Ireland for my holidays.
Pádraig: You retard, you pronounced it wrong

by Morgoth_the_Enemy December 23, 2020


Strong passionate girl who doesn’t let anyone stand in her way. She’s is very athletic and super tall. Very gorgeous and funny. Isn’t afraid to tell people off.

Don’t fuck with Ireland, she is not afraid to tell you off.

by Secretaaaanoooma August 14, 2019

2👍 2👎


Not Northern Ireland. So, would you dumbasses stop saying that Ireland's part of Britain, when it is infact NORTHERN Ireland that is part of Britain.

"Hi, I'm from Ireland."
"Oh cool dude you're British!"
"No, you idiot, that would make me NORTHERN Irish!"

by Miss-90s December 9, 2007

60👍 233👎


A place where millions of fifth generation Irish college students associate their heritage with in order to justify their drinking and rowdiness. Also they use their "heritage" to explain why it is they can drink so much because everyone know the only way to increase your tolerance to alcohol is to be Irish and not by drinking more.

The association between Americans who are 1/4 Irish with a country they have never visited and know nothing about is very similar to 5th generation Italians kids wearing John Gotti shirts and going on and on about their mothers hand made mannicotti in order to "embrace" their ethnicity.

Get a clue and embrace something worthwhile such as the poets and artists that Ireland cultivated and not ale and binge drinking. At least get to know your culture and associate yourself with an Irish club in your town and bring pride to your people instead of being a shameless, sloppy drunk and then saying "Hey it's okay if i drink 10 beers a day, I'm Irish!"

College Kid #1 - "My grandfather is from Ireland that's why I can hold 20 beers and not be drunk!"

College kid #2 - "Oh cool, you must have alot of pride in the beautiful language of Gailic. How do you feel about the struggle going on in your country right now?"

College kid #1 - " I don't know what you're talking about but let's play some Dropkick Murphy's and pick a fight with some dirty British faggot for trying to take over my country because I'm so Irish"!

College kid #2 - "Why are you randomly speaking in an Irish accent?"

by David155555 February 11, 2007

59👍 331👎