Source Code


Irish is the national language of Ireland, yet if were to ask the average Irish person to say anything other than "hello" or "kiss my ass" in Irish you will most likely get a moment of awkward silence followed up by a random flurry of Irish words which they learned from 6th class.

Foreigner: Hey SeΓ‘n, you're Irish, how do you say "I made in a sandwich" in Irish?

SeΓ‘n: *Momentary pause* "An bfhuil chead agam dul go dtΓ­ an lethreis?"

by Currently under a bridge drunk January 5, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What every American wants to be or tries to be. If you're American and are saying your Irish ANYTHING OLDER THAN YOUR GRANDPARENTS (ALL 4) DOESN'T COUNT AIGHT
Tiocfaidh ar lΓ‘

'I was in America this summer and half the bloody people said they were Irish cuz their great grandads cousins uncle was Irish'
'Fucking Americans'

by Irelandrox February 10, 2019

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


I dirty sheep shagging paddy cunt that drives a caravan and has 10 kids in the boot

Irish people love their vans

by Killallcelticsupporters December 5, 2021

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


To tell a story with all the important details included

You probably feel like you were there cause I gave you the Irish on it
C’mon, tell me everything - Give me the Irish on it!

by Jul369 December 3, 2019

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Irish: The race that saved civilization.

The race that put the 'ire' in Eire!

The race that produced the some of the world's most gorgeous human beings.

The race that included the most humorous human beings.

The race that produced some of the finest writers and social commentators.

The race created to make the English humble.

The race that clearly had the most fun on the Titanic.

The race that reminds us to believe in all things magical: leprechauns, fairies, rainbows, unicorns, four leaf clovers and pots of gold.

The race that reminds us of the power of story.

The race that knows how to die with aplomb.

The race that wrote the book on working hard & playing harder.

The race that knows the strength of family.

The race with the loveliest sweaters.

The race who know dancing cures many an ill.

The race that respects animals.

The race that creates the hottest firemen and officers.

The race you would want to be if you could choose!
And on top of all that:

The race that created 'Father Ted'

Enough Said!! ;)

(Gratefully not responsible for 'Lucky Charms' Cereal or Tom Cruise however tasty both may be...)

"If it ain't Irish, it's just not that funny."

by Scousefrog June 20, 2009

78πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


a kick ass nationality that knows how to fight,& drink,funniest people in the world,awsome to party with,greatest people on this mother fucking earth, dark or red hair and green or blue eyes are trademark

I'm a hundred percent irish.

by shawna Fitz June 22, 2007

143πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


the main reason why prohibition never worked out

when a irish man is sober he is 10 times more deadly then when durnk

by heimdail December 20, 2004

938πŸ‘ 1007πŸ‘Ž