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Beta Orbiter

The non Alpha Male who hovers (or orbits) around and pedestalizes women in hopes they can get their foot in the door and get chosen or laid.

That guy is always cheesing in women's faces and "liking" their Facebook posts...such a typical Beta Orbiter.

by PedatEbediyah February 2, 2015

547๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beta Uprising

A meme on the /r9k/ board on 4chan mostly used by incels and robots.

When virgin posters post about a so called beta uprising they are mostly being ironic however some posters do use the meme unironically because of genuine hate towards chads and stacies.

The beta uprising must happen now reeeee

by bgfbhfhfgghnfhfhffh May 27, 2022

Beta Cuck

A term for men who are seen as weak or cowardly, a popular example of one being Silver the Hedgehog.

Silver: Well I'm not a gamer, so maybe women will respect me!
Mephiles: That just makes you a beta cuck. That's the difference between you and I, Silver the Hedgehog. I am an alpha gamer. Now where are we droppin' boys.

by ratsanctuary May 19, 2019

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Beta Please

This basically means, "Son, please" literally-translated. It is a fun way to say, "Come on!" but in that friendly/funny way. It can also be an alternative to saying the b-word when trying to say 'b-word please." 'Beta' is not a swear!
(bay-tah - puleez) (note: do not say it like the Greek 'beta' but instead with more "bae" or "bay")

Ex 1:
"I got a 91 on that AP biology test."
"Beta please, I got one-hunnit."
Ex 2:
"I think that the sky is pink all day err-day."
"Beta, please, shut up."

by nav6 October 5, 2014

Beta Bear

That one YouTuber that doesn't want to make videos anymore but has to for their fans

I bet that dude is a Beta Bear.

by Sama Lama July 30, 2016

beta orbiter

A man a woman keeps around for platonic favors and services as well as for attention. He usually sticks around in the hope he'll some day get with her.

= Who's that guy, is he her boyfriend?

โ€“ Nah he's just some whiteknight beta orbiter -- he follows her on Facebook, and now he came to pick her up.

by SomewhereElse December 11, 2016

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beta phaggot

One of the most overused words on the bodybuilding.com forums. Basically anyone who doesn't work out or is considered a "nice guy"

Forum post:

Why you are a "beta phaggot"

You are a needy, indecisive approval-seeker who makes your woman a higher priority than yourself and your passions.

by betterthanfuckbook December 28, 2015

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