He is the absolute sweetest guy ever! Braden is the kind of guy who will always stand by you no matter what and will always have your back. He can be a little insane sometimes but never ceases to amaze with his incredible sweetness. He is always smiling and is such a sweetheart.He is very very when I say very I mean he is very thiccc and he as a VERY BIG DUIGH and people love to have him as a friend
Braden Mathew Jaynes is such a good friend
A grass eater by nature can be found in the vast feilds of lowmead were they spend their time grazing on the grass
Kayla-jayne shay mann also know as a common cow
Absolute legend of a person. Doesn’t even realise how amazing they are, which makes them even more amazing.
Needs to never change as they’re just perfect as they are.
Competitive, resilient, stubborn. Often this person likes to indulge in a caramel latte and a full English breakfast. Can be known to enjoy a Kareoke night with fruity gin.
“Oh my days, that person is such a Susan Mary-Jayne. They’re like so amazing and don’t even realise it”!
A Jayne's reply
A 'comeback' or retort that is so predictable that the intended recipient is able to preemptively create a facebook group that... um... predicts it.
Can also be used to describe the language 'skills' of facebookers who say things like: ROFL or EPIC FAIL or who use the keyboard to create twee little graphics that depict ladders replete with accompanying cliches.
For instance, a 'Jayne' might actually bother to type a ladder graphic in the absence of something worth saying. Follows it with "Something for the climb down. Careful now."
You say: "Bit of a 'A Jayne's reply'"
Jayn will show her ass on 5/28 for anyone who sends her this
Jayn shows her ass day
A Jayne from Australia whose name is Jayne. Usually to imply a woman that enjoys boring hikes and long walks on days they could’ve spent having fun zip-lining or going to a water park.
A Jayne who can’t spell worth a shit to save her life
“Ah, man, you must know an Australian Jayne. She’s super boring and only wants to hike or play a board game. She must be from Australia.”
“Nah mates I dont wanna hav fun and go zi p linningg, whhat u guyes think abut injoying a good hyke insteaad?