The European man that only a plabbashy person can own. A property of plabbashy kind of people.
Person 1: Hey, I wanna date jovan!
Person 2: You can't, the plabbashy will come after you! You're dead girl!
A stingy individual who believes he is wonderful but is not. A man who acts highly homosexual and has a homosexual impact on minors.
jovan is extremely sexy good friend he listens to every one he is a kid born on any year from 2007 and up on the day of 04 13
Jovan is a male name Nick name is DJJ
Covek koji je vemoma pametan, ali mu je mozak otiso na ispasu. Ostavlja ringu ukljucenu. VOLI!
Jovan je slepac.
A toxic person who run a discord channel and plays Valorant. Sometimes does by NightRex, JoJo, or La Tocica. Very tolerant and LGBT friendly
Oh did you see Jovan at pride?
The man, The legend, This brave soldier was defeated in combat, The legend goes A man with beautiful and pleasing to look at eyes named Jovan and a vastly horrid to look at beastly figure named tabitha, this man had his soul sucked out of him by the clutch of the devil, she gripped firmly onto his reproductive organ and yanked forcefully, it had begun, yet it had not ended, his life was visibly torn violently from his pale, slim yet muscular corpse, the Malevolent witch had stuck fear into any man that dared to cross paths with her, fortunatly this act was caught and brought the demon to justice, may our fallen soldier live within our hearts.
May jovan be brought to justice once again