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The act of taking a fictional language such as Klingon, Gallifreyan, or even Minionese and making it easier for fans to create a sort of lexicon and use it themselves.

I think they made the Minions' speech more recognizable as an act of Klingonization.

by Weirdo413 August 31, 2015

Angus Klingon

Maine's former head-up-his-a** governor who surely must indeed be "from another galaxy", as absurdly unaware as he seems to be about the reality --- and the basic needs --- of THIS one!

Angus Klingon may indeed be kin of a "race from out-space", but with those hideous bristly eyebrows and sneaky-looking up-swept creases around those shifty squinty eyes of his, he looks a lot more like a Romulan to me!

by QuacksO November 18, 2018

Klingon Hangover

A nasty hangover you get after making peace with someone you hated

1: Hey you okay? You look really hungover
2: Yeah got a real humdinger. Got an apology from my highschool bully after a couple of drinks
1: Oh, a klingon hangover, nice

by July 2, 2023


A liberal rioter/protestor with Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) that climbs on moving cars and tries to inhibit the driver from getting to their destination and violently tries to hurt the car and driver only to roll off the car amd smash their face and head causing them to look like a Klingon from the TV series Star Trek.

3 Klingons in Portland were run over after by a normal human being after the liberal Klingons violently tried to attack the driver by climbing on the driver's moving vehicle and attempted to smash the windows out.

by logic ninja September 26, 2020


A person who is very clingy.

Jimmy: I just started seeing this girl and man, she won’t give me any space nor let me breathe.

Marlon: Jimmy my friend, you’re dating a Klingon.

by Chocoboywonder October 14, 2021